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happy anniversary


13 years…
“we’ve still got the heat…wooo!” (cheaper by the dozen)
can my husband pick an anniversary gift or what?
taking me to an antique store to buy a chandelier i’d been admiring for months…
be still my heart.
he knows me so well.


he wasn’t thrilled for me to take a picture IN the store..but i had to.
i love it.
soon to be hung in my foyer…painted white first….i think.


look at all that sparkle.
so pretty.

we had so much fun this weekend.
did a whole lot of nothing.
no date is complete without home depot for us.
we went there…went to the mall…pier one..kohl’s…linens & things…world market…the shoe store…Chipotle…the movie theater (but Bourne was sold out! a month old movie and it was sold out 15 minutes before it even started!) and then rented a movie a dillon’s (“stranger than fiction”..will ferrell…good movie).
aren’t we wild?
but you know…just having time rushing back for a sitter…no schedule…no clock…
was awesome.
we got to relax together.
sleep in.
listen to loud music IN THE DAY!

happy anniversary craig.
i love you.
your my BFF…for reals.

amy - you two are really way too cute. happy to know you both.

kristin - you

kelly - hi Meg,
Thanks for e-mailing me back. We are from Rockford, Il and we lived in St. Charles, Il. Happy Anniversary! The chandelier is Beautiful, good find! I also loved the pictures of Burns. I am a small town girl at heart and I loved it.
take care and I’ll check in with you again.
Kelly g

traci - I laughed out loud at that picture!! SOOOOO SWEEEEET!!! I remember so clearly for our 5th anniversary I found a stunning chandelier that my shweetie bought for me….it was at an estate sale and it was LOVE AT FIRST SITE!! I was giddy like a little girl. I would have a chandelier in every single room! LOVE THEM. You should post where you met your husband…would love to know that story. You two seem to really “have it”. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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