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i {heart} preschool


preschool open house was last night.
the whole family went to make it special for annie.
she was so happy and ready to be there.
she didn’t want to go when it was over.
we stayed outside at the park an extra half hour.



*talby drew the design that is now the logo for new creation preschool!*
(more to come on another post)


their room is so colorful.
this preschool is such a loving environment.
it’s fun, energetic, creative, kind, safe, happy, full of life…
i love this place.




she is going to have a great year!
no doubt about it.

traci - I was a preschool teacher for years and literally loved every single day of it!! The kids are at a fun, sweet, loving, cute,age where you never know what is going to come out of their
I work at my church’s MDO right now for some fun money….its not preschool but I make it as close to preschool as possible because that is where my heart is. She will love everyday of it :)….I love the Hideout sign

Karin - What a fabulous place! Everywhere you look you can find the “fingerprints” of our friend, Kristin. Amazing. Also, I LOVE Talby’s picture. I was admiring it in our church bulletin. Yeah, Talby!!

kristin - i think it is funny that we took the exact same picture…oh, it is families like you that make this place work…your love and support are treasured!

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