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happy anniversary mom and dad.
hope you have a nice one.

want to know what a 2 year old keeps in her purse?
this is my old purse that i gave to talby…which annie quickly claimed for herself.
she is constantly filling and emptying it with treasures.
this was all inside…


pink sunglasses…baby bottle…tiny radio (purple)…
2 green poker chips…5 DQ gift cards (with no $$ on them)…
a budweiser bottle opener (it’s our neighbor’s – honest)…
plastic pancakes…old powder mirror…broken snowglobe…
a sonic receipt…thousands of dollars (play money)…
2 AAA batteries…a remote finder keychain…$.04….
a broken but repaired eye examiner from a toy doctor’s kit.
the old broken cell phone is missing from this picture because she couldn’t find it at the moment.
it’s back now though.
thank goodness.

we had a fun morning!
we met ms. kristin and lizzie for coffee downtown.



annie took this one of my arm.
talby chose our seat…on the step looking out the window…perfect spot.
the mommies tried to talk between the little girls’ questions and talby’s movie quotes.
the 3 girls took turns jumping off the step.
we were the only people there so we just let them play.
notice the newspaper in the background…how appropiate.


so nice to get out of the house, see friends and drink coffee.
these 2 little girls are going to have so much fun at preschool this year!
kristin…i promise i won’t blog about it every time we get together.

amy - like father, like daughter… isn’t that a camera strap over your dad’s arm?

Karin - I wandered over to your blog from Kristin’s. Great photos. Mokas has never looked so appealing! I’ll have to keep checking in!

traci - I teach annie’s age at MDO at my church…it is SUCH A FUN AGE!!! We are starting back in 2 weeks and seeing these photos just makes me look forward to it even more. I just LOVE your blog!! Do you take your camera EVERYWHERE???

kristin - you know what…i love that you do…i will link on over since i was too lame to forget my camera. i love ths shots…seeing the little girls together made me excited to get kids in the classroom! thanks for calling.

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