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school is IN


scott and sean left first on thursday morning with craig.
brand new shirts and shoes
the lego shirt could not be more perfect for sean!
scott’s says “Homework kills trees..Stop the Madness!!”
he picked it himself.


talby has afternoon kindergarten for the first 9 weeks.
she had been nervous the night before
but was ready on school day.
she goes at noon.
she wore a hand-me-down dress from morgan that i just love.
it’s my favorite thing she has.
she had her new pink and gray shoes on too.
and loves her hello kitty packpack.


lauren didn’t start school until today.
she was thrilled to get one more day off than scott.
we went shopping while everyone was in school.
she got so many cute things!
and we had a very good time.
this was one of her new outfits…shoes too.
she started volleyball now so she leaves at 8:00 & doesn’t get home until 6:00.
she’s growing up…that’s for sure.

annie was sad and confused at why her school hasn’t started yet.
she can’t wait!
only 2 more weeks.

melissa @ the inspired room - WOW! I have had a fabulous visit to your blog! I usually spend a little time each week going through other blogs to find new inspiration and I am so happy I found YOURS!
Your home is so lovely–I love all the contrasts of the dark and light stuff. Very much like my house (well, yours is much more stunning at the moment, ours is in “progress”).
Your photography is wonderful. So happy to find a truly beautiful home, very rare I must say!
I can’t wait to visit again!

Mom - Hey-did Lauren get a hair cut? It looks much shorter. Everyone looks so happy and ready to go. You should have put a picture of yourself smiling -Yea School Started!

meg - the shirt is from…..Wal-mart of course. the only place in town that i have to buy boys clothes!

Leslie - LOVE the star wars t. My son is also obsessed with lego star wars. Begs DH to play with him constantly! Where did you find that shirt? They all are adorable!

traci - I love the t-shirt that says homework kills trees, stop the all your kids look great and are just a bunch of goodlooking kiddos.

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