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lake fun


group photo
this is a fun family!
they survived our family’s visit
annie kept her tantrums to a minimum
their kids and ours got along great together!


annie’s first boat ride…loved it
we took the boat over to an area with cliffs
and lots of spots to jump from


it was a big hill that was open on one side to the water
each ledge got higher
this is #1


sean from #2


craig diving from #3 which is up very high
but nothing like #4
grandmas hold your breath when you see this



it is crazy high!
craig jumped it too…peer pressure
his kids did it
he had to do it too
looking at the pictures i said “i can’t believe i let them do that!”
craig answered “if you’d gone up yourself you’d never have let them do it.”
scott’s bravery amazed us.
he won’t do roller coasters but he tried this?
he was bribed with $5 if he did it.
but he did it many more times just for fun!
josh (11 years old) was very brave so scott didn’t want to seem wimpy
keith (the daddy) did a back flip off #3!
he’s nuts


the first day annie was terrified of the water
she had a death grip on craig and i
then in the afternoon on day #2…..
who is that brave little baby swimming all alone?


she was all over the place
kicking her little legs and splashing dragonflies
go annie!
ahhhh…my arms are free
by the 3rd day i got to float around alone while she entertained herself!


they had a rope tied to a tree
the kids took turns jumping off a ladder in the water
except when the dads scaled the tree to swing
and plunged into the water
making very big splashes


sean tried some fishing
without success
the bigger kids caught minnows with nets
the dog caught butterflies and ate them in one bite



tubing behind the boat
trying knee boarding for the first time
and loving it


new friends josh and hope


it was just a great family weekend
lots and lots of sun (it was HOT!)
and play
and silly silly kids
kids can wear you out but nothing beats family time.
thanks again guys for inviting us out!
maybe next time the mamas will jump the cliff….

kristin - okay…wonderful..i am so happy for your kids!!!!

danelle - Great pics! Crazy high cliff would have scared the heck out of me. I have so many memories of the lake when I was a kid. I’m sure your kids will never forget this time.

traci - OH MY GOSH… That highest cliff does look CRAZY HIGH!! What a great way to top the summer off before heading off to school! So glad your families got along so well and just simply LOVE your blog!!

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