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off to the lake

i feel like i just did this
packing all our stuff up in the truck
but i got to do it again all day today

i have now washed every piece of dirty clothing in our house
i have packed the bags
the towels and swimsuits
food and toys
and 2 new scrapbook magazines of course.

we are headed out for a weekend at the lake with friends from craig’s office.
they have never been around our kids for more than 10 minutes.
i just hope they are prepared for what a weekend with US is like.
i hope they can still work together on Monday.

it should be very fun.
maybe some of the kids will even try to water ski
or whatever kids do behind boats these days.
i think i will be off the boat most of the time.
motion sickness stinks.

when i woke up this morning the pool was green!
it looked like a lake.
so much can change in a day.
so i spent alot of time working on that today
thank you amy d. for helping me
even though you scared me half to death sneaking up on me.
hoping for clear(er) water tomorrow.

4 months after buying the potty seat
having it sit on the kitchen floor
being used as a step stool to reach the dishes….
it served it’s proper purpose today
i am not going to push my luck at all.
when the big kids go to school
we will have time to work on it.
but she understood today.
it clicked.
yeah for annie!!!

it’s late
my banana bread is in the oven and a half sized blueberry buckle
and my morning gets to start with donuts.
should be a good day.

and for no reason at all other than
i miss them so much!


love you girlies!
miss you bunches.

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