Masthead header


i went to bed at 9:15 last night…accidently.
i laid down to rest a minute and that was that.
so you’d think that with 10 hours of sleep instead of my normal 6 to 7 that i would be wide awake.
today was just a cranky kind of day.
little miss annie won’t cut me a break.
i can’t figure out the temper tantrums.
low blood sugar?(because she never eats)
teeth? (it can’t always be teeth!)
being the 5th? (needing attention)
is she in pain? (like a baby migraine?)
is there something wrong with her? (mentally)
bad parenting…it couldn’t be that.
i have many questions for the doctor in a week.
i’d better start writing them down.

this is what we did today
in between tantrums….seriously


“tomorrow..tomorrow…i love ya…tomorrow”



a little art on the driveway.
it hard to have a tantrum while painting.
talby made a cardinal in a nest and added glitter later.
annie got all the paint mixed.
i love to watch paint mix together.
it first got on her toe…then hand…then i just painted her feet and let her go crazy.

then tonight…
big news…
look at talby go!!!



she’s almost got it down.
she was scared but she is doing great!
i’m so proud of her.
even when she’d fall she’d squeal and then giggle a bunch.

daddy is always whoopin’ up on scott.
but scott loves the challenge.
he finally loves basketball…thank goodness.


kristin - you. rock.

traci - Just had to share this with you… found a FUUUUN new site… after you go into this site there is a place you click on in the upper left part of the screen that allows you to put your own photo in, and then it will give you a list of the celebrities you look the most like…. it is soooo fun. A lot of bloggers are doing this now and I thought it sounded like you. Soooooo, hope you try it and ENJOY 🙂

meg - it’s wrapping paper…turned backwards.
dora christmas i believe. 🙂

traci - It could be she is just a strong willed child. I have one and literally she can make me feel SO LOVED and turn around and make me feel like Im failing MISERALBLY as a parent…this happens daily!! So, I think I do understand.
I love the painting on BIG paper… what kind of paper is that? ALL kids love to paint. Good for talby on her bike!! What an acomplishment. I remember those days with my girls (they are 9&10 now) but I remember chasing them up and down on the street while learning with the camera in…. and last but not least all dad should bond with their little buddies over basketball!!
LOVE YOUR BLOG and am soooooo glad you are back!!!!

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