Masthead header

packing up

this morning some of my sunflowers opened up in the back yard.
so pretty.
they are very tall but very tiny heads…oh well.
and all the zinnias are blooming.
i think that is my most favorite flower.
so bright and cherry.
so many layers.
happy flowers.
this little lady bug was picture perfect.


i haven’t scrapbooked in a month!
i was out of pictures….not caught up….just caught up till i went digital (christmas)
well i am no longer any where near caught up!
and i am happy about it.


i ordered over 500 pictures from
as i was opening the package that came today i thought how cool it was that i don’t have to go into a store for my pictures ever again if i don’t want to!
i love that.
AND i love getting mail so that’s great too!
i got some 8×10’s in black and white. and tried a 12X12 size too to cover my entire scrapbook page.
how totally cool they are!
and now my memory card is empty and i plan on filling it up with all 263 images that it can hold this week.
i would like to have a back up card in case i need more but my husband isn’t going for that…yet.

i made these cutie-pie shirts for annie and her little friend abby we are on our way to see.



super easy and annie is dying to wear it.
i just stuck it on with a couple pins
and sewed around & around & around.
no rhyme or reason
the shirts were on 70% clearance at carter’s.

then how do you like this hysterical shirt!
it is just right for me for vacation….or any day really.
and…i made the camera strap i wanted to from the happy things list!
i choose black and white for craig’s sake…i wanted pink.
that shirt cracks me up.


i have a whole walmart story to share but i guess it will have to wait to we get back…

well we are out of here!
literally in five minutes we will be on our way to vacation.
i will miss my blog because i am addicted to it.
maybe by next year i will have wireless internet and a laptop so i can keep up with all the blogging world while i am sitting on the beach.
i am lame…i know.
enjoy your week… i know we will.
pray for us in the car ride tomorrow!
see ya.

traci - when are you coming baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack? LOL

Emily - Love the flowers! Wow, they look fabulous!

Carrie - Have fun!

traci - Your flowers are GORGEOUS!!! Am going to try the heart t’s, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the tshirt you are wearing and will SOOOOOO miss your blog for a week!!!! Im addicted to checking everyday… will be sad to not see it but will be brave and wait for your return..tee hee….

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