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sean turned seven this weekend!
he had begun counting the days to his birthday back in april.
it finally came!
the family party was a camp-out in the backyard.



we cooked hot dogs over the fire.
ate dinner outside. went swimming awhile.
opened presents.


all legos and a transformers t-shirt.
then it was time for s’mores….mmmmm.
i found chocolate and strawberry flavored marshmallows this week!
they looked yummy so we tried it.
no one cared for the pink but the chocolate ones were awesome!
the pink ones were so pretty though. i wanted to put them in a little bag and tie a ribbon around it and give it as a gift. they are so cute!
s’mores were yummier with chocolate flavored marshmallows.



daddy got to sleep in the tent with the kids.
lucky daddy.
someone had to stay inside with annie 🙂
i had to make the cake too.
in the morning sean had a little party with 3 friends.




we keep our parties very simple.
no plans.
just play with a group of friends.
eat cake…open some more.
that’s all they need.
and no goodie bags.
who started this craziness?!! and why did we all go with it?!! the presents go to the birthday boy not the guests. just like at a wedding…why are there now favors for the guests? the reception is to celebrate the couple! i guess it’s to say thank you but can’t you just SAY thank you and BE thankful? when did that become not enough? (i am aware that i sound like a crabby old lady)
i haven’t always been this way but with 5 kids there is no way i could do those big expensive parties.
i never went to any big parties like kids today get.
and i thought birthday parties were the best!
the coolest party i went to was roxi’s party at the skating rink in jr. high.
i just like to keep it simple.
and my kids are very happy with this system and that’s what works for us.
i am not against those who give goodie bags…it’s just not my thing.
everyone else can have the big parties and their kids can go home from our parties confused why they didn’t get a goodie bag…i am okay with that. ha ha


we waited till the afternoon to give him his big present from nana and grandma & grandpa.
we made him close his eyes adn then we set it in front of him.
he opened his eyes and smiled and said “i thought it’d be a bike”
very calm.
he looks so big.
and then one more shot of sean on his big day…
he is very into the pirates of the caribbean lego’s. the ship in the back with the black sails is the one he built saturday morning by himself. the ship with the white sails is scott’s but sean built it for him after scott got frustrated 5 minutes into it.
his brain is made for legos.


(sean does own shirts…he just didn’t have one this day. that’s summer for ya!)
happy birthday buddy.

Aimee - Ok, so with my 4 kids I started out with a big party every 4 years. Well, as kids were added and things change we celebrate small. Yes, the whole giving a gift because you are thanking them for the gift is crazy.

traci - I also agree 100% on parties!! We do simple also (cake, icecream, sometimes $5 pizza, decorations and we just started doing a birthday chair). My niece had a big, huge, party several yrs ago at age 5 with little carnival games all over the backyard, a clown and a couple blow up things you jump in. My thought was, if this is what she gets at FIVE how will they ever top this in a few yrs and not go completely
Love your blog and have NO idea what you expect your blogging fans to do while you are on vacation????? ENJOY yourself!!!

Alison Love - i completely agree about birthdays. my kids only get a big party w/friends for #5, 8, 12, and 16. That means that w/the 4 of them we usually don’t double up on big parties.
looks like everyone enjoyed the campout–great idea.

Mom - I love the bike you picked out for us. Looks like Sean got everything he wanted for his big day.

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