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hot fun in the summertime


this one is exhausting.
she is so cute but so terribly tiring.
she screams all day long.
i ask her if she is hungry she says yes.
then i say “do you want…..pb&j (or anything in the entire fridge)”
and she screams “NO!!!!!”
it doesn’t matter what it is.
i feel like i am going a bit crazy a little at a time each day.


softball is over for lauren.
she had a good time playing. it’s bittersweet for the season to end. i am happy to have the chaos of the games over but just when the teams start to get what they are doing and they are improving…..end of season.
she sure loves to play. catcher isn’t her favorite but at least you get to play on every pitch. there’s no spacing out when you are catcher.



look at this skinny guy.
when did he get so lean?
he loves getting all his ball gear on for games.
he played hard last night.
and i got to watch by myself for almost 10 minutes before the kids came back from the park saying how thirsty and bored they were.


i love that pool.
i dislike going to the city pool with my crew very much.
it’s not the pool that’s the problem it’s me.
i don’t like to get wet.
i prefer not to get in the water unless i have to.
at the city pool i have to get in with them because of their ages.
then the other 150 kids in the 3 foot area splash me and i just don’t enjoy it.
am i princess or what?
ha ha ha
but i love this pool.
and they do too.
and i have been in it….once.


and one more funny one from the ball game last night.
she was climbing into my chair from hers.

Sherri - Tell Lauren she needs to play 3rd, it is a Duerksen tradition!!! 🙂

Carrie - Love the lips in pic 1-

kristin - have i ever told you just how beautiful i think lauren is? wow…i look at her and can hardly imagine having naomi that old…

traci - Woo hoo more fun pictures…when you have more than 3 kids you are bound to have at least one that is HIGH maintenance and makes you wanna growl. I have found with just 3 kids I dont ask what they want for a meal…I just fix and serve. LOVE YOUR BLOG

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