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4th of july


last year we discovered that lauren has a serious love for fireworks.
they make me completely paranoid.
having so many kids using fire and making things explode is not something i enjoy.
but once a year i guess?
lauren loves it.
she and my nephew blew stuff up for hours.


morgan, talby and scott stuck with the sparklers.



we have a block party for the 4th.
we pool our money for big fireworks.
we have a potluck.
there are games for the kids with prizes!
they love the firecracker “cake” walk.



and the water balloon toss….turned fight.



and the egg toss.
annie wanted an egg too.
i never let her touch eggs.
jen gave her her own egg.
everyone started the toss.
annie took her egg and threw it on the ground
she shouted “I DID IT!”


craig was my partner…

right after the egg toss it started to rain.
and rain and rain.
we pulled the grill under our covered drive & the men cooked all the meat.
how cool is this grill?
an old VW Bug made into a giant grill.


we moved the potluck into a neighbor’s garage.
(if you look close you can see the blueberry buckle)
we ate in the sprinkling rain.
we watched the fireworks from our porches.
the rain was a bummer.


the best part of the day
was the midnight water balloon fight with the grown ups!
that is too much fun.

traci - hate to be a baby over a blog and all but it has been FOUR days since your last post!!! I know you have shared LOTS on the 4th but it has been FOUR days!!! How sad I am going thru “whatever withdrawals” LOL

Carrie - Wow- I just stumbled onto this blog from another- I am in awe of all the pictures and the BEAUTIFUL house. You have a new fan!

traci - just got home from MY family reunion/4th of july getaway!!! My kids had loads of fun shooting of firecrackers this yr. for the first time (normally we just go watch somewhere). I agree about being… I was designated as the fireworks police since I was spending MUCh time telling everyone to be MORE careful, throw it further away and run ….It is just too much fun for them though. Sooooo glad you shared all your pics. It looks like you all had a huge pun
I was in Leavenworth Ks with tons of rain also but we all were more than happy to carry umbrellas and act like it wasnt any biggy. all for bombs going off…tee hee

amy - great pics! i put a link on my blog to yours for pictures of the block party. hopefully next year we’ll be here for all the fun.

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