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i’m back!

we had a busy week.
old fashioned family fun.
there are alot of pictures here but there are alot more i didn’t put on that are very good too.



hunter teaching scott to flip.


competitiveness runs in the family.



shannon acting out a clue for the game Pop 5.
too funny.


big family reunion on craig’s side.


annie finally being nice to aunt sherri.


we spent all day monday at world’s of fun.
i rode the blue and red one in the center and made the decision i don’t need to ride another roller coaster ever. i kept thinking…what is keeping this from breaking?
how debbie downer is that?


dolphin rides…on peter.


the pool was perfect for all the kids.
peter and gio threw them around making big splashes.
they loved it.


okay…how cute is my nephew?


i wish i could say they slept like rocks but they were up in the night both nights…ugh.
that gets old really fast.

and this isn’t even including the 4th of july block party.
that gets it’s own post.

thanks to deanne for all the work of putting our trip together
and all the work on the reunion.
we had a good time.
it’s important to have time with family.
when it comes down to it…family is all you have.
friends come and go.
but your family is forever.
and that’s good.

amy - i’m curious what the clue was that shannon is acting out.

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