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raining all day

perfect activity for a rainy day…can you tell what he’s watching?


it’s a U2 concert of course…
a family favorite.
annie was eating her lunch but when she heard it she took off into the living to watch Bono.
don’t all 2 year olds love Bono?

we had 2 friends come over today at seperate times
trying to make the day go a little easier.
it went alright.
still a long rainy day.
they even crammed some swimming in…the 10 minutes it wasn’t raining.

annie made some nice art before dinner.


craig’s family starts to arrive tomorrow…all of them.
it is going to be a busy full week.
family reunion.
worlds of fun.
hanging out.
playing games.
eating and eating and eating.
and ending with the 4th of july block party on our block.
i am going to be tired…and so is everyone else.

angela - Looks like little Annie is going to be another aspiring artist like her mother! I see wonderful scrapbook pages in her future!

kristin - for the record, it makes me…not make me…oh, the lack of spell-check…

traci - I am traveling this Sat. to Leav. Ks. for a family reunion also!! Do you know how far you are from Lv. Ks? It is about 30 mins. from Ks.City. Sounds like you are going to have TONS OF FUN at Worlds of Fun and hotels… enjoy!!!

kristin - annie’s project make me
: )
have a wonderful week with family.

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