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banana bread

we were up early this morning.
making a meal for a new mommy at church.
i don’t think i have ever cooked chicken breasts at 8:30 in the morning.
i also made this incredibly yummy perfect banana bread and didn’t get to taste one bite!
jenny it’s your recipe…complete with the mashed potatoes. ha


it smelled so good.
we drove our meal out to her house which is out…way out…in the country.
it was so pretty just getting there.
in kansas they are harvesting the wheat so we saw combines everywhere.
annie kept shouting “TORN DROWIN”!!!” at every single corn field.
(corn growing)
there are alot of corn fields.
at her house there were baby kitties and frogs and a dog so my kids never even saw the baby.
ohhhh holding that tiny baby was too much.
i had an immediate internal reaction…i wanted one.
logically i know i don’t.
we have enough babies.
i don’t want to gain another 50 pounds again.
my brain can’t handle another baby.
but it is still in me…i wanted to take him home.
if we could…but we can’t…but if craig said “let’s have another one”…
i would. i would. i would.
it won’t EVER happen though.

i cleaned up my yard this afternoon.
in the sprinkling rain.
all afternoon.
the kids played in the pool while it sprinkled.
i am in love with the pool.


lauren is at camp.
she is missed.
it’s very different without her here.
i hope she is getting filled with god’s word this week.
and having a blast!
and making new friends..being kind.
i hope.
and i don’t think she will be stinky at all when she comes home.
she will be all pretty and clean i am guessing.
the usual.

Alison Love - I was catching up on your blog and this post about the new babe really hit home for me–i had to laugh b/c its just how i feel when i see a new baby at church.

Danelle Young - I get that feeling when I hold new babies too. I love new babies. I wish I could put them in my pocket!

traci - The bread looks Yummy!! We keep thinking about adding a pool to our backyard, yours looks SO refreshing!
As far as the baby thing I have been told once you hit child number 3…. 4,5 and 6 are not a I mean, whats ONE MORE…lol

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