i am trying everything to get out of this bad mood.
there is no real reason for it . . . logically.
craig is gone but that’s just life. i am happy for him to be with friends and golf.
the house is a mess but the craft room is almost clean!
the laundry is piling up again and the dishes are overflowing in the sink.
i haven’t slept well the past two nights.
but these things normally do not bother me.
which makes me feel that this mood is definitely hormone related.
so i am trying all my favorite things to help me beat the mood i am in.
the ice cream helped ALOT!

kristin - i couldn’t stand not to comment: you have the right ideas…i have another friend who said she watched movies on her laptop while taking a bath…if i could find the time to do without kids, that would improve my mood…hormones ARE powerful things!!!