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crabby mom

That’s me . . . crabby mom. i have been all weekend. my poor family. but i do think they have a lot to do with my crabby-ness. still i know i am responsible for my actions.
hopefully some sleep will help. but i am torn because of my shows to watch on DVR. and my lesson to work on for tuesday. and the craft room is always calling me . . . always!
and i just drank my 3rd cup of coffee this evening. sometimes i am too ridiculous.
so other than sleep my shows will probably win the battle.

but it was a beautiful day today – WOW! i went out to soak up some sun. i took my camera to get a picture of one of the but instead …
this is what pictures look like from a 2 year old photographer with a camera so heavy she can barely hold it up and can’t figure out that you have to look through the square to see me.
but she did shout “Say cheese mommy!”
and then another happy shout “i did it!!”

the bottom one is kind of artsy . . .




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