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Monthly Archives: April 2013

the half marathon….

well…. i did it!
it is hard to believe that i actually have done 13.1 miles.
but it's TRUE!!

whoop whoop! 

let me recap the weekend as it went down.

on friday, mr. duerksen left with four of my kids for a bball tournament out of town.
so to begin my girls weekend i got a full 24 hours ALONE.
um…yeah…that rocked!
then…craig accidentally took my car keys so i couldn't even leave my house and you know what?
it was such a blessing.
 i HAD to stay home and just be alone.

i did laundry, cleaned the chicken's box and watched crazy stupid, Love.
(i love that movie!)



saturday morning i put on my favorite shirt to bring good vibes my way…. ha!

my friends picked me up since i had no car.
and we took off for our road trip!
as usual… talk talk talk all the way there.

we picked up our packets with our bib inside it and shopped the expo a little.
i bought sporty sunglasses…you know i needed them after all that fashion wear all winter.
i hate the way the sport sunglasses look.
so much.
but i can wear them with my hat so it was needed. 


they had this wall with the names of all of the people who died in the OKC bombing.
the people the race was honoring.
the first 168 bib numbers were given to them.
it was emotional. 

one of the best parts of marathon training is getting "CARB LOAD" the week of the race.
and believe me… i did.

we went back to our hotel and right to bed.
our wake up time was 4:00 AM.
oy veh.
i slept terrible as expected and leaped out of bed at the alarm.
my roommate was pretty surprised by that.

we geared up with all our running stuff…gummy energy chews, wipes, kleenex, money (? we didn't know??), body glide, hair ties, hats, sunglasses, our bib numbers, ipods, phones and layers.
we waited in the cool air for 35 minutes for the "every 15 minutes" shuttle
that was suppised to be there at 4:30.


then headed to a sunrise service at The Survivor Tree.
again… emotional. 

it's hard to see but that is because it was completely dark outside…it was 5:30 AM.
we sang worship songs… Bless the Lord Oh My Soul and Amazing Grace were too hard to even sing. 
i was too choked up.
i just closed my eyes and listened. 

the pastor read from Jesus Calling and it was just so appropriate.


we made a stop at gear check.

(use gear check if you do a race… super easy and convenient)

we made one last pit stop… porta potties….gross.


then we found our pace group and waited.
with 10,000 other people.
they had 168 seconds of silence for those who died in OKC.
i cried.
and prayed.
i was getting VERY nervous with all the unknowns…
can i do this?  am i safe?  what if i get hurt? what if i fall? 
you know… all that stuff that Satan loves to put in your mind when big things are happening. 
i texted craig and kimberlee.
i needed one last boost of love before i took off. 
they gave it to me.

some of my friends are conscience of their time when they run.
these were free tattoos you could put on to know your pace.
i was not remotely interested.
i can only do what i can do at that moment.
not anyone else's time. 


the gun went off and we stood still for a looooong time because we were SO far back in the line
14 minutes after the gun went off we crossed the start line and began our first half marathon! 

and it was fun!

there was loud music.
people in their driveways all along the way.
some had water… some had beer…. donuts… signs… all SO SWEET!

then the hills began.
geez louise.
there were so many hills on this course.
we didn't train for that.
but we did it.
i mean come on….LOOK AT THAT HILL!!!

and that wasn't even the bad hill that everyone told us about.

the sun was coming up as we came through this tunnel.
it was beautiful light…
i wished i had my big camera.
(and that i was not running… ha)

firefighters were all through the race.
which made me tear up every time we came up on them.
they were sweating like crazy walking with all that gear on…
what amazing men! 

we ran right past the capital building.
that was really cool.
and the sun was just behind it… GORGEOUS.

we hit the halfway mark and decided on taking a picture.
try # 1
try #2 
we were honestly smiling.

i repeated to myself so many times
"God's spirit is with you"  
"present your body as worship"  
and "Glorify God with your body"


i made it 9.5 miles before walking!!
that is AMAZING.
i had never run more than 8 miles before that… so i had my personal best that day.

around mile 11 i was feeling a little delirious.
and i said to my friend "have you seen Taledega Nights?" 
and i quoted this line.


i know i know.
ricky bobby and carl naughton jr. are complete blasphermors through that entire movie.
but… i quoted it because as i was dragging and weak..

i said "well….i am picturing my jesus in running shorts and nike frees…running beside me"

we giggled a bit and decided Jesus probably would have been way faster than me.

i walked a bit, ran a bit, walked a bit
and then at mile 12 an older man on the sides controlling traffic, looking like morgan freeman,  
leaned in towards me and did a quiet clapping and said quietly

"let's go. let's go. run. you can do it. let's go"

 and it was so quiet that i just listened to him.

i ran.

and suddenly there was the finish line way up ahead!!

i turned to my friend and said "i am so glad you made me do this! THANK YOU so much!"

i meant it.
it was such an awesome morning!


i took out my headphones and took it all in.
people were all cheering and screaming for the runners.
it was so cool.
big races are such a positive atmosphere!
every runner feels like a rockstar.

and there i was.
it's not fast but i don't care one single bit.
i did it.
(nice glasses…..)


after we caught our breath, regrouped, ate oranges, bagels and bananas to refuel,
we headed to the memorial again.


MANY people ran for those they lost in the OKC bombing.
the memorial had all kinds of sites like this. 


we made it to the shuttles.

i was beginning to feel sick.

then i got sick.

and i was miserable.

my body was in full-on-freak-out mode.

it was not pretty.

my friends let me sleep for awhile and after an hour and a half i was better.

i rallied.

i ate a quick lunch and then it was time for massage.

it's what we do.
we run hard and then we go to the spa.
the best way to run a race.



then dinner and a DELICIOUS drink to celebrate!
i am so proud of all of us!!

we trained hard for months.
with 15 kids between the four of us…and all of our jobs…and busy lives…

we did it. 

i don't know if i will ever do it again….

but i can always say that I DID IT!!! 

and i think you should train and do it too.



Andrea@KnittyBitties - I loved reading this Meg because one week from today I’ll be running my first half. My stomach already lurches if I think too much on it, but it’s going to be amazing and great and fun and I can’t wait. I did 10 miles yesterday and felt really good, so 13.1 should be cake, right?!?! 😀
Congratulations on training and following through!

tara - oh how i remember the half that i ran in ATL…..
crazy awesome and crazy hard.
i laughed when i read that you imagined jesus running beside you in shorts and nike frees. i am sure he was there beside you..i need to quit imagining him in a white robe and try your imagination.

Carrie - This made me cry. So proud of you.
I am part of a full/half/5K organizing committee as part of my job ans runners never cease to impress me. Love their spirit and determination and sense of humor. If I didn’t have fibro I think I would try it. But I’m just not tough enough!

Momofthree - Great job! I am training for my first half marathon at Niagara Falls in June and watching as you trained has been inspiring:)
Did you talk anywhere on the blog about your running playlist? On my shorter runs I have been happy with no music but now for the longer distances I really think I would like to have some music to help me along. I’d love to hear what you were listening to!

Rachel - Congratulations Meg…you are awesome!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Had to add my congratulations and tell you how proud I am of you for running your first half, Meg! (And even if you never do it again, it’s something to be incredibly proud of!) 🙂 Way to go!!

Lora - I teared up many times reading your post. Congrats to you!! I especially love the part about the Morgan Freeman man cheering you on. That’s so great! Since he played God maybe that was God’s way of cheering you on 🙂
I’ve been to the OKC bombing sight and walked around the fence with all the memorials stuck in it. It was completely silent. I’ve never felt anything like that before. It was very emotional.
Yay for you!

Leslie - As I read that I felt so proud of you! I read your blog all the time and you are such an encouragement to me! 🙂 How excited to ACTUALLY do it!!

Jenn - Wow! I’m sitting here crying. You may or may not know this, but you ran for your kids, your husband, those that died that horrible day, those that died in Boston another horrible day, those that were hurt, you ran for those of us that read your blog and you ran for you! I’m so proud of you! You rock! And Jesus was with you in running shorts and Nike frees and he’s proud of you too!

Alicia @ La Famille - CONGRATS!!!!!
I’ve run four halves…two were to get me back into shape after babies. I’ll have to start thinking about another now! It is SUCH a rush every time. SO SO worth it!!
Congrats again!!!

Andrea T - I havent been by to read in awhile…busy, back to work. something made me drop by. i am so glad i did. i am wiping away the tears. just the motivation i needed! CONGRATS!!!!!!! what an amazing accomplishment!

Heather R. - RoCk oN!!! You should be so proud of yourself! Great job!

Krista - So proud of you MEG!!!!! Thank you for sharing!
P.S. Your pace is just fine 🙂
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to run/ walk for nearly 3 hours but I’m working on it!!

denise@victory rd. - meg, tearing up.
i just love every bit of this- even the photos that don’t do the reality justice.
i love your honesty.
the beginning the day in worship, and continuing in worship as you ran (and as you blogged).
i related to the not sleeping, and jumping up at the alarm, and to the texting for one more dose of love. praise God for those relationships that nourish us.
and i loved that you all ran for okc.
but my FAVORITE part (when i really teared up) was when “morgan freeman” spurred you on. makes me think of the Spirit nudging you so you finish well (which from my experience if more for my good, than God’s).
maybe someday i’ll join you and run my own 1/2 (yikes).

amanda d - Congratulations! Smiled through the whole post … “God’s spirit is with you”
“present your body as worship”, and “Glorify God with your body” – made me teary. I’m going to say it when I’m on the treadmill b/c I always feel like I’m dying when I’m running. 😉

Lori Austin - This post made me BAWL!!
So proud of you.
That’s all (heading for tissue). 🙂

Lisa - I’m so sorry you got sick! ugh! I have done 2 half marathons and both times I got totally sick after too. Not sure why that is cause all through my training I felt great! So glad you did it and had a great time. 🙂

Talia - Congratulations! You ROCK girl! Well done!

Amy - Beautiful and inspiring, Meg! I will never run but I LOVE the enthusiasm my running friends have 🙂 You did it!!!!

Mindy W - Well, I’m proud of you. Just plain bursting my buttons proud of you.

Kimberly Parker - My cousin ran in the same race! I’m proud of you both!

beth larson - Meg…I am smiling and crying and so happy for you! What an amazing accomplishment Girl! My body really and truly was not made to run- but it would be my proudest accomplishment if I could ever do one. : )
Proud of you and for you!
p.s. I ordered one of your prints and framed it for my BFF for her birthday and she loved it soooo much! It’s the sunflower with the words I am here to serve with JOY. It’s so her- xo

a - Awesome!
I ran my first (of two) half marathons a couple of years ago and I was so proud of myself. I called my dad and told him I had finished and my time and he said “Isn’t that usually the time for a full marathon?”

Jill - Congratulations! It’s been fun to read about your journey on your blog.
~ A fellow runner and fan in San Diego

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Meg, can I just say I am so, so proud of you. I wish I knew you in real life to give you a huge hug. You rock girlie. May I also take a minute to let you know my husband is a firefighter and I got a tear in my eye with the photo of the firefighters. They truly are heros. They really are men and women who would lay down their lives for others and not think twice about it. xo

Tracy Fisher - i am so very proud of you! -tracy fisher

Katey - Your post brought tears to my eyes several times. Wow. So powerful. I’m glad you did it. Thanks for sharing your awesome adventure. I loved reading about it and seeing your pictures. God is Good.

Cari - This had me in tears. For one, I am originally from Oklahoma. Things like bombings always seem so much more “real” when they happen in your home. Secondly, I am freaking OUT about attempting my first 5K next week. Freaking.Out. I have convinced myself I’m just a big girl and it’s okay if I walk a lot of it. I need to change my attitude. Thirdly, so proud of you for reaching your goal! What an accomplishment!! Way to go!!! Thank you for letting us “run” this journey with you.

Debbie Hargadon - What a great recap and nice post. Thanks for all that you share!

Rebekah - GO MEG! You made me cry, and almost — ALMOST — made me want to run. Not quite. But almost. 🙂 Way to go!

shiela - believe me….once you start doing some kind of marathon, you are hooked for the rest of your life! keep running & keep inspiring sssso many gazillions of people around you…way to go! too many lives are waiting to be touched by your example. every sweat/trials/hills…they are all good & will make you stronger. to God be all the glory! He is the one that allowed you to accomplish more than you could ever imagine.

Wendy - You are such a motivator! I want to do this. thanks for posting about it. I love the Taledago Nights quote. So funny!

Tracy - Congratulations, Meg, to you and your friends! YOU ROCK!! so inspiring.

Robin Canter - I don’t know you but feel so happy for you and am so glad you ran this race and had such a positive experience. Pretty darn good girl.

Laura - Meg, You’re a ROCK STAR!

Suzanne - So. Stinkin’. Awesome. Period.

Cathy - Ok.. you made me cry.. I am so happy for you.. maybe that little guy was your running angel.. only you could see/hear him.. say run… now I have a quote. Run Sally Run.. Dick and Jane. I would love to try a half.. considering I don’t RUN to start with that would be a big thing..

Janelle - Oh you made me teary eyed! Thanks for the inspiration…I think you’re right, I can do it too 🙂 Any tips for how to start??? Did you do Couch Potato to 5K? Number of days per week?? Amount of time spent running? Would love to know how you got started when you get a chance!

nora - Congratulations! But I must say – you did not run 13 miles, you RAN 13.1 MILES! That .1 counts!!!
Thank you for the awesome recap. What a wonderful race.

mary liz cawley - Love this post … brought tears to my eyes the whole way through. Congrats on 13.1 … you rock. I especially loved the “Morgan Freeman” man quietly cheering you on … LOVE HIM

kathy - And you trained through a horrible winter-that is the most impressive part to me! I loved the reading from Jesus Calling. Thanks for passing on some inspiration 🙂

Hannah - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so awesome! most of my friends are BIG runners…so i signed up for a half last year…just so i could be in on the girls trip! ha! i wasn’t fast…but you can’t explain the feeling of accomplishment when you are done! not sure if i will ever do it again…but like you…i can say…i did it! love how you take pictures along the way!!! :):)

Gale - CONGRATS!!! SO proud for you – and I lived in Norman when that bombing happened. So sad and terrifying and something I will never forget. My Okie heart is so blessed to see those pictures and know you were part of it.
YOU ROCK, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

sallie - WooHoo! You did it! Congratulations! I’ve been following and checking in to see how you did! Amazing accomplishment! Wonderful words about your journey and race day! I love that you had the chance to worship before the race! You and your friends are an inspiration!

Leslie - WOW!! Congratulations to you and your friends – what a true accomplishment. I was teary when reading about the moments of silence and the pictures of the memorials. Thanks so much for the recap – glad you shared with all of us 🙂

Heather - This is so beautiful, Meg. You did it!!! What a moving experience. How awesome is that Morgan Freeman guy? So cool. One day when my baby is a bit older, I’ll get back to running. You’re my inspiration!!! 🙂

Terrie - What a great post Meg! I’m so proud of You! And the rest of your group too…Go Angie!!
How stinkin’ emotional…I’m not sure I would have made it…
Shoot I teared up just reading this and thinking about how emotional it would be.
What an accomplishment…with family, friends and God..we can do anything!
Praising Him for all your Blessings!!

Jenni - Thanks for posting. I knew you were training but didn’t realize it was for the OKC run. I grew up there and was a senior in high school when the bombing happened. Now I live in California where no one quite gets the impact of what happened there. It was a nice surprise to see this today.
And way to go! You inspire me!

Jess in Chicagoland - Meg, congrats on finishing your first half marathon! Reading this post of yours was such a huge inspiration for me and I got chills as I read all about it 🙂 I’ve been on a running journey of my own for the last year and a half and am currently training for my first 5k (it’s on June 16, eeeeek, haha). I’m a little nervous, but I know I can do it! Thanks for sharing your experience… it is quite the wonderful accomplishment! <3

misty - I wish I would have known you were there! I would have LOVED to have met you!! {I’d rather meet my favorite bloggers than any celeb} My mother in law & her sister run marathons. They are so amazing. I would love to be able to run an entire marathon one day, or actually, even the 1/2 would be fantastic. Isn’t the memorial so moving? We went last year & I couldn’t hardly sit through the part where they play the phone calls. I still remember sitting my my math class & hearing what had happened… I was in 7th grade, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
So excited for you! What an awesome accomplishment!

jodie - You are amazing! So proud of you ans your friends. You are all an inspiration! !

Kate - so proud of you!

beki - Wow, Meg, that was powerful! You’re my hero 😉

Barbara - YAY MEG!! I’ve been checking here the last couple of days to see if you posted about the run….great job! So very happy for you!! Way to go!!

Mary - so rad!!!
what an amazing accomplishment!

Jan B. - That was a great recap. Way to go! Very inspirational.

Linda - You are amazing and inspiring! Thank you!

Jenna - Tears! What a race to run … An amazing tribute. Congratulations!!

tonya - that pic of the firefighters totally did me in! so proud of you and your girlfriends for training so hard and accomplishing your goal!!!

Kathy - wow wow wow I am SO proud of you! I have been thinking about training for one of those but so on the fence … now you have me thinking even more about it … GREAT JOB!!!!

Heidi Durant - You did rock that! So awesome. Last month, a friend and I ran NINE 5ks. It was insane, but when I crossed the ninth and final finish line, I was so proud if myself and us! Loved your training posts and running attire. Moms can and will run!!

Lindsey - Way to go! What a great accomplishment!

Heather - I cried through this whole post. You inspire me. Craftily, Spiritually, as a Parent, Style-wise. You’re rockin it! 🙂 Good Job Meg!

Angela A - Congratulations Meg! Such an amazing accomplishment and amazing day. So thankful you had so many to cheer all of you on–even the Morgan Freeman dude!

Kristin S - Yea Meg, yea, yea, yea!!!
So proud of you!!!
After a year injured, I long to run again. I’m a run/walker and really do enjoy it and miss it – as do my growing thighs. I have hope of returning but am content if it isn’t God’s plan.
Maybe, someday, I’ll walk/run a half. I want to!

tinaehb3 - This brought tears to my eyes 🙂 This is definitely going on my list of must accomplish!!

Carrie - I am racewalking my first post second baby event on May 12. Prior to her I have 6 marathons and several halfs under my belt. She is almost 2 1/2 so it has been awhile and I am nervous. I racewalk and I look nerdy doing it, but I am evidently good at it. I wish my knees would let me run. I am hoping to keep a 12:15 pace, slower then what I used to do, realistic now I suppose. My husband against my getting back into this as it has involved some watching of the kiddos while I do my long training on the weekend. I have not shared that I already have a race picked out in September!!

Colleen - Congrats to you and your running friends! Quite an inspiration you are…maybe I will try for a 5K first! Well done.

jenny - You’re such an inspiration! Congratulations!!!

Amy K. - SO PROUD OF YOU… that you did it, but especially how you have spent the past week using the whole thing to glorify God!

Tiffany - God is so good….(then u say) ..All the time. I am very happy for you, this is an impressive accomplishment! Rockstar!

Hannah Lesley - There is nothing cooler than running a race. I am convinced of it. You should be so proud of yourself! I’m proud of you:)

ann - Congratulations Meg! I am so proud of you and being a runner myself, I know what hard work that was! Yea! Go you! Isn’t amazing that so much of our physical body has to do with our MIND! (Having God give you strength helps, too!!) Hugs, Ann in Park Ridge

Courtney - Congratulations! I got a little teary reading this too! I ran my one and only half a couple of years ago and it was amazing! My body freaked out afterward too and I felt horrible! I love the encouragement you got toward the end and how you kept yourself going! And super impressed that you ran that far before you walked! Super inspiring…thanks for sharing!

melodee - you are amazing! all of you girls are! congrats!!

Jeanelle - I just wept when I read what the older man said to you at mile 12…God is just the best. So glad you made it. You’re awesome.

Kelly - I’m getting emotional for you! I know what it means to mentally and physically do something you didn’t think you would ever be able to do! Such a HUGE accomplishment! Congratulations!

becky @ farmgirl paints - i am so proud of you meg. seriously running a marathon seems impossible to me…but YOU DID IT! rock star. love the mantra you said to yourself.

Connie - Congratulations!

Leann - Congratulations to you and your friends!!!! You are all AMAZING women in my book.

Rachel B. - I was tearing up reading your post! What an amazing opportunity! What an example of Philippians 4:13!!!

Mia - AMAZING! You are an inspiration to all of us who have never run a half marathon. Clearly, those runs in 17 degrees weather paid off!

Tiffany clark - GOOD FOR YOU! You’re so amazing! I’m so happy you did that for yourself! I didn’t realize how emotional it would be, but reading this post, now I get it. Wow.

Carol S. - Remember I hung up my running shoes after my first 5K….but am sooooo proud of you. Loved all the pics and stories. Adored Morgan Freeman’s encouragement at the end, and the Jesus in the tuxedo clip really made me laugh. Haven’t seen it but I need to memorize that line…cause I like my Jesus to party a little, too. Sigh, great work Meg, thanks for sharing the journey.

CathyC - Good for you Meg! That is super-awesome!!!!!!! You should be so proud!!!!!!! 🙂

Mary - Way proud of you! Big congrats!
Had to chuckle about Jesus in running shorts…I have a feeling he was smiling too!

Rach - Congrats! It must have been an amazing feeling of accomplishment!

chrissi - inspiring post. thank you, i loved it.

Anne - I’m so proud of you!!! Way. To. Go. And you look adorbs in those running glasses. Don’t tell yourself otherwise, cause its just not true! Congratulations to all of you.

kim - i’m so proud of you , meg.
this post made me choke up.
(which isn’t something that happens for me a lot).
picturing the morgan-freeman-lookalike quietly encouraging you made my throat swell up, and tears well up.
and the special sights at the memorial. the bibs.
so amazing.
i remember the day of the bombing, i was super young, and spent the whole day watching the news (unsupervised). i think it is incredibly special that you did this.
and you’re right. now you can always say you did it. 🙂
it’s a good feeling, isn’t it?

Lori H - Love this story Meg and I am so proud that you did it! And here I am, worried about an 8K with my lately-rebelling 50-year-old body. Haha.

tracy dickinson - way to go! my sis has done the okc half and it was pretty amazing. i am training for my first half in november! now you need to do a full…!!!!!

Stephanie - I’m totally wiping tears away. 🙂 how amazing for you! I love that you leaned on God and wanted to present your body a living sacrifice.
I lived in OK before the bombing. That memorial is so moving. I would love to go back.
I ruptured my Achilles’ tendon almost 2 years ago while on a run and it still bothers me. I don’t see a half marathon (or even a mile run! Lol) in my future.
Good for you! So glad to see the update!

Jenn - Meg, you made me tear up by the end of the post. I ran my first two half marathons last year and am so ready to do it again after reading about your experience. You did rock that half. Way to go!

Sabrina - Awww!! You DID IT! Nice work! 🙂

Melissa - So proud of you! Sounds like you did amazing and soaked it all in – perfect! Stinks you got sick afterwards.

tiffany gardner - YAY MEG!!! I was totally standing on a street in my neighborhood (by the beer guys) cheering you on! I kept telling my husband… I have to cheer on my blog girl… he said .. is that creepy??? Maybe… but I said I would be there and I was!! My hubby and oldest son ran the 5k. The run was awesome… the day was awesome … our city is awesome. So glad you came!!

Lynette - Great job, sounds like a pretty cool experience!

Lisa M. - So wonderful Meg!! I’ve been checking for this post all weekend and all day today 🙂 That is so awesome that you took pictures throughout the race to save those memories. I love your mantra “God’s spirit is with you….” Thanks for sharing. I ran a 5 mile race last fall and I had just started training in September. After about mile 3 I kept asking myself, “Why? Why am I doing this?” but then when I was done, I was so glad and I will probably do it again, but honestly? Give me a 3 mile run any day and I’m good 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your goal!

Ashley E - Great job Meg!!! Sad I didn’t get to see you, but that’s life. 🙂 You should do the Route 66 1/2 in Tulsa this November…. 🙂

jamie - oh my gosh. i better hurry up and wipe my tears before my kids come down here and see me crying. what a beautiful recap of your race experience. i am so proud of you my imaginary friend! what an amazing accomplishment!

stephany @ home is what you make it - Nice work!
I refuse to run for longer than 1 hour at a time, so I train for 10k’s.
Maybe I’ll decide that I would like to run for longer than 1 hour at a time someday, but for now that is good.
Right now I am training for a 10k at the beginning of August…and it is in the park i run in all the time, so I can practice the route from my house!
Does anybody go for a run during Craft Weekend?

Sarah Wolfe - Awesome! Makes me want to do one too… eventually 🙂

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annie’s favorite books

i love children's books.
when i find one with illustrations that pull me in i always feel like drawing.
they are just such a beautiful way to enjoy childhood.
i have great memories of reading with my kids. 


annie is working hard to finish up something at school for points.
she has had all year to get points but now that it's the end of the year i am guessing there is
an ice cream party or something that has given her incentive to buckle down.
she has been reading each afternoon.
she is not really a sit down and read for an hour kind of girl usually.
that is ok.
i am not that kind of girl either… my dad wanted me to be so badly.

i thought i would share some of HER favorites today.
this is her stack she was working through that she carefully selected.   

you can click on the link to find it on amazon.  


Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type ….. that duck is so funny!



Cowboy and Octopus
 …. very dry humor book but funny and has cool illustrations.


Eaglet's World

this was a book that Scott got during his preschool LOVE OF EAGLES phase.
he was obsessed with eagles for a few years.
i remember going to his classroom as the surprise guest and reading it to his whole class.
we love this pretty book. 


Martha and Skits  …. my dad gave us a whole collection of these books.
BEFORE they gave Martha a show on pbs.
my kids really liked these… all five of them. 



Pirates Don't Change Diapers
 ….. my girls like these 2 pirate books but my boys loved them. 

How I became a pirate

How I Became a Pirate….. and really David Shannon is a favorite of mine.


Too Tall Houses…. pretty book about friendship and competing.  :)


Art & Max

Art & Max
…. brillant book for anyone who likes art….super pretty! 



Is Your Mama a Llama? …. i had this book memorized at one point.
so many years of reading it over and over.
who doesn't like a book with baby and mama animals?! 



Fancy Nancy: Splendiferous Christmas…. all Fancy Nancy books are loved by my little girls.
she has quite the obsession with fanciness. 



Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes …. annie's choice at the book fair.



Emma Kate …. BEAUTIFUL book.
Patricia Polacco is one of Talby's favorite authors.
she did a report on her once! 



Llama Llama Misses Mama

there is something adorable to me about llamas.
Anna Dewdney ties toddlers and llamsas together perfectly.  :)
Annie loved these two llama mama books…. always loves to say "i've done that…."
on the tantrum page.  ha ha ha 


Llama Llama Mad at Mama



The Three Snow Bears  Jan Brett is famous… everyone knows her books.
this one is the story of the three bears but drawn so lovely.
and my kids make silly voice for all of the bears and it's very funny. 



If You Take a Mouse to the Movies…. annie loves this one.

If you take a mouse to school

If You Take a Mouse to School… i loved this one…
the art and the thrill of going to school for little ones.


If You Give a Moose a Muffin
  but this one was our favorite to read as a family!
i have a moose voice that makes my kids crack up and i always use it he says
"do you have any old socks?" when he wants to make sock puppets.
love this book. 


My Garden…. talby and annie love this one.  
always…. EVERY TIME …. say "i wish our garden was like that" 



Diary of a Spider ….cutest books!  
i love every detail that is in these three Diary books.


Diary of a Worm


Diary of a Fly


I'm The Biggest Thing in the Ocean…. LOVE these two books!
that googly eyed octopus is very endearing and silly. 


I'm the Best Artist in the Ocean!


Yes Day!…. another book fair choice this year chosen because of our love of the grumpy book.
and all kids love the dream of a YES Day.



What Are You So Grumpy About?…. this is such a good one.
because kids get grumpy a LOT.
and this puts some wrods to their feelings in a funny way.

that was kind of a long list but it was fun for me to remember reading them all with my kids.

what are your favorite children's books?
i am sure everyone likes to find new great choices.


1.5 days till the half marathon!!!!!!!!




cassidynoga - Amelia Bedelia?

cassidynoga - When she’s old enough, introduce her to the Babysitter’s Club Books (basically my childhood…) (I think she’s old enough for the BSC Little Sister books!). Also the Boxcar Children series. I’m 20 and I STILL love those. In 3rd grade, I got the second highest amount of Accelerated Reader points in the entire school because of those two series.
Also: I LOVE Click Clack Moo. I have a stuffed cow from that book.

TonyaElise - Currently in love with Sandra Boynton books. She really gets kid humor, and they RHYME! And I have some favorite Golden Books from my childhood that I love to read to my kids: The Poky Little Puppy, Home for a Bunny, Four Puppies. Those never get old.
Oh, and I think you should share a video with us in your moose voice, lol.

Victoria - Those are some of our favorite books too! Right now my almost 8 year old is into Amelia ______ books by Marissa Moss (I think American Girl puts them out). They are diaries of a girl named Amelia and she adores them.
I will check out those Kevin Sherry ocean books, they look like fun!
I hope your 1/2 marathon was awesome! You are a role model to all of us Mama’s!

Angela - I loved Owl Moon by Jane Yolen – I just got to meet her last week and she is an absolutely lovely woman. This was a special book for my Dad and I, just like the father and daughter in the book. I also loved Berenstein Bears.
Also, if Talby is looking for anything good to read, check out the auther Sharon Creech – particularly Bloomability. It is a great book. I have read all of Creech’s books and I love her writing.

Dena - A couple of my favorites from my childhood are:
Andrew Henry’s Meadow by Doris Burn
The Ernie and Bert Book by Norman Stiles
My daughter loves the Pinkalicious books (Pinkalicious, Purplicious, Silverlicious, etc) by Elizabeth and Victoria Kann
Couple others we love:
Katie Love the Kittens by John Himmelman
Chickens to the Rescue by John Himmelman
Wacky Wednesday and There’s a Wocket in my Pocket by Dr. Suess (but we love them all)
We love the Litte critter books by Mercer Mayer and the Berenstain Bear books also and for really little ones the Sandra Boynton board books are awesome.
One I would suggest for you that we like is Dog’s colorful Day by Emma Dodd. it makes me think of you and your love of color.

Meg G. - I love that Tom Lichtenheld’s books made the list! I used to work with him a few years ago at an ad agency here in Chicago and remember when he took a sabatical to write one of his books. He’s such a nice and talented guy!

mkpoggie - Great recs! I haven’t heard of a couple of these titles and I’m excited to try them out! A few books that were always a hit with my preschool class were “Falling for Rapunzel” (Leah Wilcox- the story of Rapunzel with a hilarious twist of misunderstanding…plus the illustrations are so creative), “Smiley Shark” (Ruth Galloway…a friendly shark has trouble making friends) and “Aliens Love Underpants” (Claire Freedman…Exactly what it sounds like. Aliens really, really like underpants. So silly).
Absolute favorite though? “A Bad Case of the Stripes,” by David Shannon. Gorgeous and a message that every child (and, frankly, adult) should hear. I met David Shannon once at book signing. And I cried like an idiot. It was ridiculous.

melissa@joyineveryseason - I love children’s books too, and can’t bring myself to clear the bookshelves even though my kids are older … we always loved anything by Robert Munsch … his books are CRAZY funny stories with hilarious illustrations … and also King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub by Audrey and Don Wood … also a crazy story with beautiful illustrations. And then there’s Holly Hobbie’s adorable Toot and Puddle books … very cute characters and beautiful, beautiful pictures. Happy reading to Annie!

Jen - I love this post! My girls are 8 and 5 and I recognize and know several of the books you listed well. I am always looking for more good storybooks and will now look for the others at our library. Thanks! My girls love Fancy Nancy books and Jan Brett books. Some of our other favs include:
Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard – this is MY favorite!
Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Day – Jaime Lee Curtis
The Easter Egg – Jan Brett
Parts – Tedd Arnold
How to Bake an American Pie – Karma Wilson

Bethany - I see lots of our favorites here too. Right now it’s me reading to my little ones. I look forward to them enjoying our favorite books again when they are the readers.

IT Consulting Dallas - Nice books. Some of these are my daughter’s favorites too.

Christie - LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing!
“You Are My I Love You” is an all-time FAVORITE at our house! As well as about 10,000 other books!
Keep those darlings reading!
Happy, Happy Day!!!

Sarah - Please do a race report! I’m running my first half in a few weeks and I am trying to gather as much sane info as possible! I know now how much effort goes into the training and I’m amazed that you can fit it in alongside everything else you do! Cheering for you from afar!

Shaun - Love Pete the Cat…
Follow the link below to a live reading of Pete the Cat! Our librarian showed this one day…the kids LOVED it…so did I!! Enjoy!!!

Sasha - I love all of your picks. My fave authors include Mem Fox, Rosemary Wells (esp, max cleans up), sam McBratley (Guess How Much I Love You), Keiko Kaszaa, Eric Carle…oh the list goes on and on. Ish, peter Reynolds. Press Here, Herve Tullet. Not a Box, Antoinette Portis.
If you haven’t read Mem Fox’s books for adults as well they are worth it too. Your kids might be a bit old for it to be applicable, but when you wrote that you make a terrific moose voice it just reminded me of her.
Congrats to Annie and best wishes to her as another school year comes to a close.

Kate - mad at mamma is one of my favorites. seriously awesome.

Tiffany - Good list, thanks for sharing. Pinkalicious is popular, her and Junie B Jones these days.

Kristen - We love “17 Things I’m Not Allowed To Do Anymore” by Jenny Offill. OHMY, it is a hilarious and an artistically beautiful book – such a cool mixed media format, and lots of fun with all-things-beavers. Not sure who requests it more, me or the kids… 🙂 Also love the whole “Scaredy Squirrel” series – I think I was Scaredy Squirrel in a former life. Dry humor and squirrels…a great combo! 🙂
Praying for you, runner girl…keep those Scriptures coming! YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU WILL BE AWESOME!!!!! SO ADMIRE YOU!!! 🙂

Stephanie - I feel like I’ve been given a gift! Thank you for this list. I LOVE picture and children’s chapter books–maybe even more than my children do. Ha. My older kids have outgrown them, so thank The Lord I still have 3 little ones coming up that still enjoy them.
We just finished Charlotte’s Web with my 6 year old and are now on to James Herriot’s treasury. Then probably Wind in the Willows. Some of my faves:
100 Hungry Ants
Ruth Heller parts of speech books. Very colorful art!
Exodus and Joseph books by…..I forget the author’s name. Also colorful art.
The Cat in Numberland
100 dresses. (I love this book.)
The Little House. ( I AM that little house. One of my very favorites.)
Blessings to you during your run!

elma - We have that one:) Love it!!

elisa - My 7 year old son would probably like the pirate books. Good for Annie for reading. We are bookaholics over here.

Laura Conway - We have been huge fans of Skippyjon Jones in our house!

Michelle from Australia - Our Beloved American friend is a retired children’s librarian. So for Christmas and each of our kids birthdays, American childrens books arrived. My son absolutely loves the If you give a mouse…. and the If you give a moose books by Laura Numeroff. AND even better, when he takes them to school for show an tell, no one here knows anything about them so he feels extra special!!

Larissa - I love The Little House…I can still remember my mother reading Chicken Soup with Rice to Me….wish I could find my copy of that one.

Jenny - Anything by Oliver Jeffers. “Stuck” is our favorite.

Jenny - This is a fantastic post! I love children’s books too. I have two recommendations for you too. My friend just had her first book published she is the author and the illustrator. I love her painting style, it definitely inspires one to create! The story is great too, especially if you enjoy stories about grumpiness. it is called Maya Was Grumpy. Here is the link.
And the Chester the Cat books by Melanie Watt were just introduced to us this year by my daughter’s first grade teacher. We love them! We have all three and don’t seem to be tiring of them.

jaimie - the kissing hand

Courtney Walsh - We love so many of the same ones, but I have to add two all-time faves: “When Moon Fell Down” by Linda Smith (who passed away–I’m not sure the book is even available anymore, but it’s BEAUTIFUL and sweet) and “The Remarkable Farkle McBride” by Jon Lithgow.
Brilliance. 🙂

Diane - Have you guys ever read Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus? HYSTERICAL!
Skippy Jon Jones books are fun too. Our family highly recommends these!

Heather Simnitt - My girls are past this age now, but we loved the “Diary of a…” books as well. Some of my favorite children’s book authors are Sarah Stewart (The Gardner brings me to tears), Mary Ann Hoberman (The Seven Silly Eaters was a fave), and Erin Dealy (Goldilocks has Chicken Pox – Love)!
And oh – ALL my kids and my students (K-2 grade) have LOVED Slugs in Love by Susan Pearson….there is usually a waiting list for it at the library!

jen - Great list! i spied a few of our favorites there!
I love the Berenstein Bears books. we read those all the times – they get into messes as all other families do but by the end the message is always the same – family is awesome! and there are always little life lessons in there too.

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - I have a kid’s birthday party to go to this weekend and I always like to include a new book in with the gift. I was just researching what to buy when I saw this post pop up in my reader. Perfect! Exactly the advice that I needed.
I’m going to bookmark this one for future gift ideas. Thanks for sharing!

Jody - Thank you for this list!! I love love to get new ideas for books!!!
I went right to my library site & reserved a bunch of them!!
We love “Yes Day” in our house & actually have our boys pick a yes day every year! they of course love it! (but when is Mom & Dad’s yes day?!)
My fav is “Henry in Love”. Very sweet book. by Peter McCarty.

Becky - The Moose is totally my favorite of the If You Give A… series, too!
With a house full of girls around these parts, we can’t get enough of Fancy Nancy either!
Enjoy your race! So inspired by your faithfulness in training.

Deb - Don’t miss all of the “Skippyjon Jones” books – our favorite is “S.J. in Mummy Trouble.” And a really neat one called “Anna’s Table,” about the nature items a young girl collects and displays on a special table. Great illustrations! And anything illustrated by Robin Priess Glasser (of Fancy Nancy fame) – she has a great one about the 50 states, I THINK written by Lynn Cheney. Happy reading!

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getting bigger…

i am not wordy today.
but you can enjoy pictures of our chicks from last week.
they are already much bigger than this. 



























Pan Fry is doing just fine.
i do not see us eating her anytime soon.  :)

my plans for a coop fell through.
does anyone have any suggestions on a coop for 11 chickens?

i have a sweet pinterset board going… i know what i like and what i don't.

i know that ashley is a complete stud and built hers with a NAIL GUN!
but i am not seeing that in my future.

maybe mr. duerksen would be willing to build one with me???
there would be power tools involved.
he likes those.
i know sean would be interested but it may be hard to keep him interested long enough to finish. 
i know the girls would paint it beautifully when it was done.

or maybe you know the perfect thing for me and i am overthinking this.
maybe you know a great place to buy one already done and big enough for us and not a fortune.
maybe you know a guy who likes to build this kind of stuff.



3.5 days until the half marathon.




Jen - Hi meg! Search shutterlily on Instagram. She just built a coop for her chickies out of a children’s playhouse.(all documented on IG!) Adorable! Good luck!-Jen.

Naomi - My parents modified our old Wendy house for their chicken coop. They just added some perches for the hens and created an area at the back where the hens lay their eggs (basically it’s raised a bit to keep them safe[r] from rats). They also cut a hatch at the back so they could reach in and collect the eggs without having to actually go into the smelly coop!

elisa - Your photos are amazing. I grew up on a ranch….it was a wonderful experience. How awesome for your kiddos to be surrounded with life everyday.

Rebekah - I love the chicks among the grape hyacinths — one of my very favorite flowers and a perfect scale comparison.

Gretchen - I’m so excited for you as you begin your chick adventure. Here is a link to our first coop. Since then we’ve graduated to two larger coops, 75 chickens, and … moved to a farm! 🙂

beth larson - Love the pictures of your chicks with the chicks! Also just wanted to wish you the best at the marathon….if I could do one thing in my life that I would be eternally proud of it would be to run a marathon- (ps it’s never going to happen haha) YOU GO GIRL!
xo beth

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Love, love, love your photos of yur littles with the chickies. You are so brave to do the chick thing. I might be too much of a city girl even though I live in the suburbs 😉 I think for know I will live through you and your chicks.
I will be praying for you on your run. You GO girl! You can do it! Yay Meg! Go, go, go!

Tiffany - The photos made me smile once again. My dad built one for their chickens. He calls it their “cottage”. Too bad we live so darn far away, otherwise I’m sure he would enjoy building you one!

Lee Ann - My advice is to make it simple and make it easy to clean. (and get going on it because those birds will need to be out there in the next couple of weeks 🙂 You can look up all of the dimensions you need on-line. It doesn’t have to be terribly big if they’ll be able to get out during the day. I think they say you need 12-18 inches of roosting bar/bird. If they’re going to be in it all the time it will need to be pretty big. The roosting bars must be at the highest point of the coop. Their instincts tell them to go up at night so if the roosting bar is below the nesting boxes, the will sleep (and poop) in their nesting boxes. They poop all night directly below the roosting bar -again, easy access/clean up of that area is a must. Nesting boxes don’t need to be anything special. About a foot square opening. I’ve seen lots of people make them out of buckets tipped on their sides. I have had up to 14 chickens and three nesting boxes have been more than enough. They like to all lay in the same one. And then you have to know the critters in your area. Our main ones are chicken hawks and coyotes. My chickens roam in a pretty big fenced in yard. At one point we didn’t have that secure and lost 10 of the 11 in one night to a coyote. (It’s secure now.) However, the area is big enough that I can’t really keep the hawks away and have lost one to a hawk.
Good luck! They really are so fun! There’s nothing like a fresh egg.

Erin - Meg-you rock! God will see you through, just as you said. I can’t wait to read your post-race post! FINISH STRONG!! Sending you a big hug and a smile from Colorado!

Katey - Seriously the cutest pictures of your girls with those chicks.

Andrea - I agree with the Craig’s List thing. We just received chicks about a week ago(ordered them through the mail). My husband was talking about building one but I talked him into getting one. By the time you spend the money and the time, you could have had one made. He looked and looked, and finally ordered one from a gentleman off Craig’s List. My dad spent $600 on making his own! We are going to build a pen to move around the yard. HOPEFULLY, they will go from coop to yard and back every morning and evening. My eldest daughter is going to take one in 4-H. She is VERY excited.

Amanda M. - Go check out your local feed stores. Ours always have those handy coops for sale that look like mini barns. The only problem you are going to have with finding something is that most pre-made chicken houses and runs are for 2-3 full size chickens. You could do something like that if you plan to move them around all the time— or let them free range. Im sure you have really cold winters so checking with your feed store will really help with specific directions for Kansas!

Terrie G - Great pics!! I seriously want chickens…and a cute chicken coop!
I’m sure if I had some my hubby would build me a coop!!
Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Brady - Meg–you should check craigslist. I live in Benton, KS and we just got a few chickens too. I was checking out craigs list and there was an already built coop with 11 or 12 nesting holes for $100 🙂

christy - Love the chick-chicks pix! I was just thinking of you & your chicks the other day. My husband built a lovely fence for us to keep our girls on one side of our yard, away from my plants & patio. Two of the lil’smarties found a way over the fence. The 3rd, is too big to hop up high enough. Reminded me of PanFry. She doesn’t lay eggs, she’s just a pet/company. I could never eat her + we get plenty of eggs from our other two girls.
We built a very simple coop, 2×4’s & chicken wire. Since we live in a mild climate no need for winter protection & I live in suburbia, the only wild animal I have in the backyard is a squirel. Our dogs don’t bother the chicks, but they do like to steal their treats. I would look on Craigs List or have your on Craig build something. has some great inspiration, there are also books & magazines with coop plans, check your library. I would love a fancy coop, but it’s not in the budget and my girls are content & sheltered as is.

Jacci in Ohio - Hey, Megan 🙂 Check out @tiffanyruda on Instagram. She built a super simple one from scrap material.

Terri - Oh, I went to the link and you have to scroll down almost to the bottom (or go into archives to Sept. 15, 2010) for her Coop tour. It’s also a really neat and creatively done coop. Lots of ideas!

Terri -
Scroll about 3/4 of the way down and you’ll come to the post. It is called “Here’s the Coop”. Lovely pictures of her chicken coop (complete with chandelier!) Also, picture of the original chicken coop which is much less elaborate from when they had less chickens. Her 12 year old daughter designed the original chicken coop herself and she and her dad built it for her mom. Very sweet. I believe this posts also links to a chicken coop linky party. She talks about it at the beginning but I didn’t click it. Enjoy all of the picture. You’re sure to get an overload of inspiration! Here’s thel ink.

tere - I wish I had chicken coop advice.
But your chicks are growing too! The girls are looking older! And I’m happy to see the kids in tanks and not snow attire. That’s a good thing 🙂 xoxo tere

Sarah - One with a huge run! I reluctantly gave up my chickens last year. They were mostly free ranging and the amount of poo was ridiculous.

Heidi DeGroot - Runnings sells a small chicken coop. I am not sure how many chickens the size is perfect for. I also am not sure if you have Runnings in your neck of the woods:) I think the price seemed fairly reasonable though. May be worth a try!

Ashley - what about those cool coop trailers? that way you can move it when you move!

Arielle - I’m sure you can’t wait for the chickens to give you yummy egs.

Jen - Those are happy pics, Miss Meg. 🙂 Best of luck with the 1/2! Have you seen this shirt?
Half Marathon Mama: 13.1 miles of peace and quiet.

Jen - This woman (Karen) has made a fabulous chicken coop. Also has all kinds of info on keeping the chickens.

Melissa - I am amazed at how fast those chicks grow! I need to take pics of mine I think we have some of the same breed. I only have four so bought a tiny coop. Without a doubt build one – or maybe could buy from Menards one of those sheds and make it into a coop? Probably expensive though.

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craft weekend sponsors.

At each CRAFT WEEKEND we have fabuous sponosors who send their product for our guests.
We appreciate each one of them!  I love finding creative people to work with.

there is an amazing group here this month!

there is no excuse for not having a Mother's Day gift purchased TODAY!
go shopping right here and find the prefect gift for anyone… including yourself.

thank you sponsors for being SUPER AWESOME!!! 



you can purchase Stitch Craft Create Magzine on their website or any craft store!



Use the code WHATEVER15 for 15% off your purchase KATYGIRL DESIGNS.



Use the coupon code MEG20 for 20% off your purchase at Ike&Co.



Use the coupon code craft20 for 20% off your purchase at Sorta Southern Boutique.



Use the code CRAFT30 for 30% your purchase at Jennifer Dahl Designs.




Use the code craftweekend to get 10% off your order at the Say Hello Shop.

they sent the Hello signs for us to use IN our craft project during Craft Weekend…. LOVE them! 




Use the code HAPPYCRAFTWEEKEND for 15% off at Knitty Bitties. 



Use the code WHATEVER for 15% off at Felt Foxes.

they sent us hundreds of felt balls to use in our craft project… SO MUCH FUN!!  you need some.  :) 





Use the code WHATEVER for 15% off at Happy Days… a shop by Wifey Singer.




Use the code HAPPYSPRING for 10% off in Charlotte Lyons Shop.



 Use the code CRAFT15 for 15% off your order at Lori Danelle.





Use the code craft20 for 20% off your order at Lisa Leonard Designs.



Purchase Where Women Create on their site or any craft or book store.



Use the code 20offGIFTS for 20% off your purchase at Dayspring!




Use the code Summer to get 10% off at Heathers Happys.




Mention Craft Weekend in your order for a FREE GIFT at Little Branches!




Use the code WHATEVER15 for 15% off at The Pleated Poppy



shop for adorable t-shirts at Moxie Clothing Company!


CathyC - I love seeing who all the sponsors are. I even picked up a pair of earrings. Thanks!

annonymous - Thank you so much for this! I ordered the cutest necklace for my mom for Mother’s Day!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - the felt balls are my favorite. . I love when your sponsors give us discount codes. . thanks for sharing

Michelle Whitlow - You always have such awesome sponsors!! One question – how did you attach the ‘hello’ sign to that wreath?? I want to order one to make for my front door. I was thinking maybe that E-6000 glue?

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one week.

i have been on this  Running Journey for over two years now…maybe even three!
it's still hard but not as hard as it was.
i still get mad at not being as strong as i wish i was (aka…didn't work out enough to get strong)
i still get annoyed when others seem to enjoy it more than i do.
but i do enjoy it… when i am done.

i really like that i have good friends to run with me.

i KNOW i wouldn't have kept running if there was not accountability and reward with them. 

we have run a few races and maybe lost a few pounds.

we have run probably hundreds of miles together by now. 

we have strengthened our friendships (it's amazing what you can talk about while running 5 miles)

we have gotten much stronger in our two years.

we no longer need bathroom breaks…even on long runs. 


in six days we will run our first HALF MARATHON.
13.1 miles.

and for 6 months i have cringed when i said that.
scared of failing.

but this past week the Lord changed my heart.
i have a new outlook and i literally have done a 180 about it.
it was time to change my focus.
off of ME and onto God. 

"You were bought at a price. So glorify God in your Body"
                                  1 Corinthians 6:20 (NASB) 

and the same verse in a different translation….

"God owns the whole works. So let people see God in 
 and through your body."  

                           1 Corinthians 6:20 (The Message)

i love that…the whole works!
like a cheesbuger with everything on it.


so now i am feeling different.
i am not afraid.
i know i will not fail.
I know i am not alone.
even if i end up physically alone at the race… i am never alone.
I have Jesus in me.

"Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that
 God’s Spirit lives in you?"
                                       1 Cor. 3:16

what in the world is there to be afraid of???
i am filled with the Spirit!
He's got me.


i have felt full of gratitude when i think about the race the past few days.

grateful for a body that CAN move (even as slow as mine does).

thankful for the friends that run with me.

blessed with a body that is healthy and it is a GIFT.

i may not be a size 5.
i may not be fast.

but i am blessed. 

"I appeal to you therefore, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship"  
                                         Romans 12:1 

i am using this week to prepare spiritually as well as physically for the race.

offering myself again to God.
"here i am Lord.  use me how you want. whatever you have for me i want to do."

because running a race with thousands of people 2 weeks after a terrorist attack at a race is a little scary….at a memorial race for past terrorist attack?
but really no matter what happens
God has me in his hands.
and i have peace in that.

"Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
    you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!
    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
    you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
    before I’d even lived one day."
                            Psalm 139: 17-22 

how could i read that and ever worry?
i will not be fearful.
i will worship in adoration.




two more things:

1. we will revisit the subject of raising teenagers again.
thanks for hearing my heart.


2. the winner for the Lisa Leonard giveaway is:

Bree said…

I would love to buy the jumble of charms necklace with our sweet kiddos names 🙂


email me Bree for the details! Congratulations!!



misty - I’m just now catching up on all of my blog reading! LOVE THIS!

Rachel - Hi Meg, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but have never sent a comment…I wanted to thank you today though because I really needed to hear these words for myself, for something I’m going through right now and wanted to let you know how much these words helped me! Good luck with the half marathon, I’m a runner as well but have never done anything longer than a 5k…you are an inspiration and I can’t wait to hear how it went…doesn’t matter how long it takes you, when you’re done you will forever be able to say “I ran a half marathon!”

Amy M. - Meg, Thank you for these verses. I’ve read most of them before, but they hit me in a powerful way today. My son was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and God is just as sovereign as He always has been. Those verses ring so true–no matter what the challenge before us. Thanks for the sweet reminder! Enjoy crossing the finish line and completing your fabulous goal with your encouraging friends!!

Carrie - You can do it! I am part of a race organizing committee (3 states, 6 cities, 1 run! Wahoo! Mother Road Marathon!) and I have the utmost respect for runners! I would try it but I am terrified of how it would hurt my fibro body. But runner’s are awesome. They encourage and uplift and even though it isn’t a team sport they are a team! I know you can do this and I am so happy for you for your attitude shift! Love it when God does that!
I hope you enjoy the OKC Memorial Run! Go MEG!

Melissa - Ps. Best of luck!! You are gonna rock this, momma!

Melissa - This spoke to my heart today. I haven’t been eating healthy like I want to, thus I’ve gained weight, which makes me feel bad about myself, which then in turn makes me eat bad. Vicious cycle huh? So, thanks for sharing this. I ran the Marine Corp 10K last October in memory of my cousin who was killed in Afghanistan last June, and to prepare for it I obviously had to run and eat well…since finishing the race I guess it just all took a backseat to life. God does not want that for me.

candicemclean - LOVE. Thanks for sharing.

beth - that is awesome, run like the wind!

Lindsey - Good luck on your race! You will rock it!

Lisa - You can do it! Who cares if you’re in the last group – you’ve still conquered not only the race but any self-doubt you might have had. Best of luck to you!

Heather in Ohio - You go girl! You’ve got this! I did my first half marathon in November and am doing a 10K in 12 days. Eek. But I remember praying and feeling the momentum of those around me at my half and when I crossed the finish line, wow, what a moment! GOOD LUCK! Have fun! You’ve trained, and that’s the hard part … now RUN RUN RUN! Thanks for your inspiration and those scriptures – love it! “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”

stephany @ home is what you make it - I started running a couple of years ago, too.
I had a few health issues (shingles and pneumonia) that slowed me down the last two springs, but this spring I am HEALTHY!
I run with my dog down to a beautiful park near our home…along a river.
It’s therapy for me.
I don’t even listen to music (I do if I am running on the treadmill at our health club, though)…I just listen to the sounds around me and let my mind wander.

Holly - You have this! I am reading Made To Crave and my lesson that hit home was that we cannot follow after God with a divided heart. We have to totally give up those things we desire more than Him. The Israelites wandered in the desert 40 years and never let go of their own desires so that they could grasp what God had in store for them…. the Promised Land full of so many wonderful things God had planned for them. You’ve let go of your fears and insecurity and grasped His blessings! He IS with you and will run alongside you helping you with each and every step.

Valerie - Awesome Meg, just awesome. Bless you.

cindergo - You have worked hard for this and you will LOVE how you feel when you cross that finish line. I weigh 230lbs and ran a half marathon a couple of years ago. I was in the last group to finish and you know what? I FINISHED! One of the proudest moments of my life!
If I can do it….I KNOW that you can! Celebrate!!!!

Stephanie - Love the encouraging words of this post! I am running my first marathon next Saturday & I am soaking up these reminders! I run to glorify God…who healed my legs 6 years ago! Praise Him! You will never forget this half-marathon day! So run that ye might obtain the prize! Amen. God be with you.

Donje - You go girl! That is awesome!!!

Becky McArthur - I know how you feel – when Robyn and I trained for our half marathon 2 years ago, we kept on saying “why doesn’t this feel like it gets easier?!” I wish I loved running more. I wish I was faster. But I love knowing that I accomplished running that whole 13.1 miles!
You will do great! You have trained. You’ve put in the time. Think of how amazing you will feel as you cross that finish line! Have fun while you’re out there 😉

Carol S. - Go, go, go. I “trained” for a 5K a few years back, did it and hung up my running shoes. So I sort of get it. Love your quotes, especially the last one from book of Psalms. I heard at a womens’ church retreat that Psalms is the most poetic book of the bible and many believe it was written by women. After reading that quote, yup, it’s just beautiful and I’m suspicious the author was a she. God bless you Meg, go, go, go!

Christy - I’m running next weekend too! My first half. I loved your words! So encouraging!!!

Tiffany - I’m so glad God has worked in you and you are now in a more positive place with this race. It will be great! YOU will be great!

Vanessa - You are going to do great because you have friends and The Lord with you the whole way! OKC was my first half marathon and I will never forget it. I hope you get to feel the power of the opening ceremonies at the memorial before the race. The weather was horrible so we missed a lot that wasn’t done, but just the prayer was powerful. Enjoy the vendors when you get there! There is so much cool running gear to ooh and Hahn over. Have a great time . .and gorilla hill really isn’t that bad!

Angela A - So excited for you–and that you will be so close in OK! But I will be out of town closer to Ashley. Will be thinking of you and some of my friends brave enough to do this. I got a cold, couldn’t breathe enough to run, and now have to start from zero again. Thanks for the encouragement to get back out there!

Laura Kelley - I absolutely love this post. It totally speaks to my runners’ heart. And for 1/2s I write scripture on my forearms…just seems fitting when taking on a running task like 13+ miles 🙂 Can’t wait to hear how well you do…the finish like is always completely stellar.


tracy dickinson - love this! i started running at the beginning of this year and just did a 10k a couple of weeks ago. i plan to do a half in november! good luck at your race! i am sure you will do awesome!

Lisa - This is a beautifully awesome post!
One serious Q I have for you though: how did you overcome the need to take bathroom breaks??
I love to know that secret.

Kristin S - That posted before I was done.
I needed that reminder tonight.
He has me.

Kristin S - He has you!!!

sharon - Thanks goodness for using God’s lens in all things. Thank you.
But –
The question still remains.
How do you not need potty breaks anymore? What gives?? And furthermore, -How
can I get there??!

Liesl - Congratulations to you for meeting a goal you set for yourself! Just think how proud you and your running mates will feel afterwards!! You go girl!

Amy K. - HOORAY!!!! I am so uplifted reading this after a long cruddy day.

Nikki - Thank you for this. I’m not a runner at all but I will be walking Bloomsday, a huge 12K race with 50,000 participants in 2 weeks. I’m nervous about it but I’m doing it to honor the memory of someone very dear to me. I walked 6 miles a week ago for a friend who has MS and I felt so good after. I know I can do this and your words give me strength and joy and hope as my event gets closer!

Stacy - I’m thrilled for you! And 13.1 will be no problem for you all—this from a NON RUNNER who did a marathon (and after crossing the finish line promptly threw my running shoes in the trash to never run again!). Whoo-hoo!
I love the verse in Isaiah:
But they hthat wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shoull mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not be faint.
I raise my training shoes to you with hopes and prayers that you will have eagle wings upon your feet and you’ll not grow weary!

Ashley E - Meg!! I’m running in the same marathon and it’s my first half too! Maybe the stars will align and I’ll “run” into you! 🙂 Which pace group are you going with? Best of luck!!!

Tracy Fisher - simply beautiful!!! congrats. -tracy

Ko. S - You will rock this lady! I love your heart, your willingness to always share your faith, and how you have just kept treking on! Looking forward to reading about the post race recap!~

Heather Simnitt - Oh sister – I hear ya! I am a recovering asthmatic. Yes, I will always have asthma, but I am working on increasing my lung capacity and to stop being a person who uses my asthma as an excuse to not run. I began two summers ago running from mailbox to mailbox in my neighborhood (lots are 3 acres, so short sprints). Last summer I got up to running 1.5 miles without stopping to walk. Then over the fall/winter I walked with a friend multiple days a week. A friend who is a runner…who just hadn’t been running. She’s wanting to get back into running…so she’s taking me with her. 😉 Today we ran 1.25 miles without walking…and I TALKED the WHOLE TIME! This is beyond huge for me. I am dreaming of a 5K. I am actually dreaming of my whole family doing a 5K. My hubby can do it easy, but I think my oldest may have asthma as well…she complains of shortness of breath and a tight chest, so we’ll look into that.
But – I LOVE running. I mean, I love the feeling I get when I run. And I dream about running – in a good way. My hope, prayer, plan is that I will be a real runner someday – you know, like I can wear a shirt that says “I’d rather be running” – and mean it.
Best wishes and blessings to you as you look forward to your race. Those verses are awesome reminders. And you know, I have A LOT of jams on my iPod, but ultimately the ones that help me when it’s tough are the ones that uplift God and remind me that He’s the strength I need when I am weak.

Maria - I understand….I ran a race on Saturday (5K) five days after Boston….But I felt stronger if that makes any sense (and I posted a better time from the race I did on Good Friday). YOU CAN DO THIS! God Bless you and I envy you for doing a 1/2 marathon. I have been running 5K’s for 10 years, and I’m not sure if I can do a longer one!

Lisa M. - That is awesome!! Thank you so much for your words. I often pray when I’m running and I am always thanking God for my legs that work, my heart that pumps blood, for my lungs that allow me to breathe, for my entire body that allows me to run! Thank you for all of these verses…I will defintely be re-reading them often.
Good luck in your race. You will be amazing!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - Good luck with your race. God only gave us one body, and we need to show him respect by taking care of it.

steph - oh meg… my heart goes out to you.
races are so much more about the mind than the body.
at least for me they are.
you KNOW you can run 13.1 miles… but can you do what you trained to do?
these blasted races.
it’s such a crazy crazy thing.
but you are SO SO right… focus on Christ.
not on yourself.
no matter what, he’s got you!
you WILL finish and you WILL do your best.
just use the time to worship.
you are worshipping him with your body when you run the race.
remember that!
when it gets hard, focus on him.
it will get hard… but keep your eyes on him.
it will be emotional!
that’s sometimes the best, and the worst part about it.
but i find all my half marathons to be very spiritual.
God has taught me something each and every time.
little tip…
don’t be afraid to NOT use your music.
only put on your music when you absolutely have to.
it’ll give you something to look forward to.
and believe me when i say… the sound of thousands of feet hitting the pavement in the first mile is music to your ears!
it’ll give you such momentum.
so turn off the music… til it’s vital to continue.
it’s worked like magic for me every race!
thinking and praying for you this week as you mentally prepare for 13.1.
love you, girl!

CathyC - awesome.

Molly - I have done a half and a 20k. Both have been deeply spiritual for me. I have an 8 month old so I haven’t been running lately. Your post makes me want to get back out and running. You are so right…this body is a gift.

Sheena - I did my first Half Marathon in November 2012 in San Antonio, TX and I loved it! It was definitely hard at first but in the end 100% worth it!! Good Luck and I am sure you are going to do FANTASTIC!!!

Rachel Schindler - What an inspirational post at least for me. I hate running too, but I do it for my health and needed to read this. Love your thoughts on God and running. And by the way, what shoes do you run with? If my feet didn’t hurt so bad, I would probably run more (haha). Wishful thinking. Again, thank you for posting this.

beki - Wonderful post! You’re gonna do awesome!!
This is exactly what I needed to read today. I few weeks ago I started running. And I’m already starting to doubt myself. Your words just picked me up 🙂

Katie - I ran a half marathon last April. It was really hard and the weather was terrible (35 degrees and sleet/rain). But I did it and no one can take it away from me. I am glad I did it. It is amazing to be out in God’s creation and hearing him and talking with him.

Melissa - Love these verses! How perfect. you will do amazing!! I just ran a half yesterday and am feeling VERY sore today so dreading the fact I am running another half in Lincoln NE in two weeks – these bible verses inspired me to look at it differently. Thank you.

Nicole - I can understand so much how you’re feeling, especially that dread part. I signed up for a 5k a month and a half ago and I’m dreading it. I’m afraid of failure, too. It’s in August, so I know I have time to keep training, but the time in between then and now scares me. You’ll be in my thoughts!

Ana - I am grateful to have met you through your blog and your words.
Love, Ana

Kathy - I LOVE this! I have run off and on for about 2 years but never really enjoyed it till about 6 wks ago when I found a partner — she is training for a half and I just run with her on the shorter days {like 4-5 miles max} … I have grown so much since running with her and now look forward to the runs. Having a partner makes ALL the difference! Best of luck on your half, can’t wait to hear all about it!! =)
Blessings, Kathy K

robin - This post ALONE gives God the Glory, and you haven’t even run yet. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

Jennifer - You got this! Your body will go anywhere you mind takes it 😉 good luck

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it's been one of those hard weeks.

part of it… the weather turned yucky and cold and GRAY again.
part of it… marathon terrorists, shootings, stabbings, explosions on the news constantly.
part of it… teenage hormones in full force in our home. 
part of it… pms/no sugar/yes sugar/running 10 miles/exhausted body

i was sleeping a little while ago and woke up startled a bit.
and suddenly had a flash back to our premarital counseling session and was overcome with embarrassment.
laying in my bed 18.5 years later.
i started crying.
in the middle of the night about being embarrassed about how dumb we must have looked to everyone.
how clueless we were….and how everyone knew it but us.

what a ridiculous thing to get upset about!

randomly… in the middle of the night!???

especially when the boy i was in pre-marital counseling with 18.5 years ago was sleeping soundly, peacefully and completely content next to me.
we may have been pretty dumb and naive… but we've made it this far.

and we still are as in love as ever.
way more than in that church office way back then.

but now i am awake and can't sleep because my mind won't turn off.


i had a request to blog about teenage kids and that next stage of motherhood that kind of gets… not talked about.  

there's a reason that it's not talked about.

a few reasons….

1. i think it challenges most parents in a way they never have been… even if the kids are very well behaved.  so there is less talk because people are genuinely unsure of the best way to handle things.

2. the stakes are higher.  it's not diapers and time outs any more.  teenagers can get themselves into big trouble really quick and there are hard answers that come with those situations.  the consequences for bad decisions are suddenly very heavy.  life changing sometimes.  

3. kids are online and there isn't a safe place for moms to share and discuss.  their friends can see what you said. they can see what is written.  there is no place for honesty online when things are difficult because kids are all over the internet.  You can safely share the positives which is a good thing.  but it also leads to that ever present blogland "comparsion issue".  Are her teenagers REALLY that sweet?  Are her teenagers REALLY that smart?  compassionate? respectful? what is wrong with me? why aren't my teenagers like hers?

4. there is fear in letting them go.  letting them go.. in their decision making.  letting them go… to college and move out.  letting them go… when it comes to finishing tasks and work.  and legit FEAR that they won't make it.  fear that they will chose poorly and be stuck in that bad decision for… ever.

5.  parenting teenagers is mentally and emotionally exhausting.
i never understood those people who would look at me with a baby in my belly, one in my arms, one or two on my leg and say "it gets so much harder when they get older"  because seriously…. HOW could it get harder than no sleep, no quiet, no personal space & no time for 10 years straight??? 
well… i found out.
the emotional exhaustion of worrying about them, worrying that you messed them up, worrying about how they will turn out and then the mental exhaustion of HOW to deal with something new all the time…. 
and you are now in a body that is 10 – 15 years older than before.   
yep… it's harder.

it just is.
sorry baby mamas.  sorry toddler moms.  you get through all that physically hard stuff and a whole new set of issues comes around the corner.  

i think that even families that have easy going teenagers would agree with me.

it's not a BAD thing… it's just surprising how difficult it is.  
and we weren't prepared for it.  
we thought we were fun and cool people who loved being with our kids so it will be fine.  



so i just felt like it was time to say some of that.


not ratting out my kids.

not saying anything other than "this is hard."

i love them fiercely.  

i know God tells me not worry but more often than not i find myself wrapped up in it.  
it's draped around me like a heavy, wet blanket.    

so i throw it all back at Jesus' feet again.

i am trying everyday to be a good mom….somedays are better than others.

i ask God again and again to protect them & to capture their hearts. 

i ask God to forgive my selfishness, my pride, my temper, my patience and my words and thoughts.

and i ask God to take my worry away. 

to fill me with patience and love and the ability to see more than the mistakes.  

so much more. 

He reminds me that He created them.  He loves them more than i do or could.  He wants the best for them.

and their story is not over.

there is so much more to come.

God loves my kids.  (and your kids.)  

He isn't going to leave me alone is raising them.  He doesn't get mad when i fail.  He doesn't laugh at me when i make mistakes.  

That is not the God and Jesus i know.

i am so grateful to be their mom.

no matter what.



but make no mistake…. it's the hardest stage i've ever been in.


sorry for the crazy long post with no pictures!!


it's 2:55 AM. 
i am just going to publish this like jerry maguire.

because that went great for him right???


Krista - thankyou! Just starting the teen years while still dealing with a preschooler! Always so good to feel the sense of community when I get the chance to read stuff like this. God bless!

Angie - This is exactly what I needed to read at this very moment. Thank you.

sam - thank you! 🙂

amber reece - So glad you posted this! I’ve got a 17yr old I just “kicked out” yesterday. Tough Love, and it’s tough on everyone, especially me, worrying and waking and looking down the street to see if he’s there… I am praying for the prodigal. He has to learn a lesson though, I have tried to tell/help him and so has all the family and friends. All I can do now is pray, and I do, everytime I think of him which is every moment of every day. Teenagers are by far the most terrifying age! Such heavy choices with such heavy consequences that follow them…

amber reece - LOVE that quote Tiffany! Thank you!!!

Angela - God bless you for your honesty. I have 5 children ranging from 9 to 5 months. It may not always be easy but God will provide in ways you’ve never imagined. It’s nice to see a mom who is keeping it real but also covering her family in prayer!

Sarah - OH MY GOSH!!! These are exactly, exctly, exactly my thoughts. THank you thank you thank you for nailing it on the head. In my circle of life, I’m the one with the “old kids” and nobody gets it. They think my life became easy the day my kids hit middle school. I keep telling people to just wait, and my heart burns with anger sometimes at their delusions! ha! THANKS again 🙂 🙂

Jenny Lynn - i love this. even though i’m just in the baby phase. i have twin boys and i do understand the “how can this be harder?” feeling. but i love your honesty. i’m starting to pray now that i will turn my babies over to jesus and trust that He will care for them better than i can – even though i’m already realizing i want to be protective and keep them from harm forever.

Antonette - So many comments, but this quote sticks out in my mind: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” -Corrie ten Boom You are doing just fine. We all are. And it will be okay.

Shelby - Meg, I feel your pain…reading your post brought tears to my eyes because I have a 16 year daughter. I am thankful that she hasnt tried anything crazy yet but I have been nothing but honest with her from the start. When she was a toddler and would ask questions I would answer them with honesty. Secretyly, maybe I was trying to scare her, not too sure on that. There are days my heart feels like it will explode with love for her and the days that I am consumed with worry that she will leave for college and never look back. I never had a dad in my life so when my husband and I learned we were expecting I envisioned all the fairytales of a happy family. Fairytales are just that…fairytales! Raising a teenager is one of the hardest jobs ever, but also one of the most fulfilling job I ever had. I talk to God daily asking for guidance and help in getting me through this period. I look at McKenna and am excited for her future and also sad that she no longer needs me to pick out her clothes or teach her to ride a bike. Trust your instincts and know that God definitely has your back and so what that you might stumble along the way? Don’t we all? Keep up the good work and everything will turn out the way God intends.

tara pollard pakosta - I think you are doing a great job, and your kids are going to be just fine,
we all make mistakes, it’s how we learn. Yes we don’t want our kids to make our same mistakes, but they WILL and that’s okay!
you have done a great job with your kids and with your marriage and your life,
good for YOU!
I know it’s hard, I have a 13 and almost 12 year old, both girls and man alive, it’s HARD! but you are doing well, and your oldest daughter is such a beautiful person and will do great, all of your kids will, I just KNOW IT!

Tiffany B. - Hi Meg, I scrolled right through the comments, and most of them probably said the same thing I am about to – LOVE your honesty, you hit HOME with me and everything I think, say and do each day raising my kids! Mine are 14 (son) 16 (daughter) and 17 (daughter). I stayed home for 10 years to raise them and you hit it right on when you say it is more of a physical challenge raising babies. Although I was worn out each night with busy days and sleepless nights, but this time of life is much more challenging and I, too, worry too much and remember to LAY IT AT HIS FEET and believe He has our backs on this. Lord do I worry about each and everything you posted, it is hard. My husband and I are scared while we are trying out best to raise them “right”! Love you and thank you for your post, it was awesome! Tiffany from Michigan

alli - your honesty is 1000x more helpful and inspirational than ‘the answers’. thanks.

Tracy Fisher - i loved this post. i hear you. it is hard. there are no rules. facebook posts from our community make me feel like everyone’s kids are so perfect… and lives here are so perfect. we all know it’s not true. that’s where faith comes in. and the power of ‘real moms’ words…. so, thank you! i’ve always told my kids (especially the one who will legally be driving next month) to keep a gratitude journal. just write down one thing each time you open it. its so good to read later and be reminded of what good God did for us. -tracy

Sarah@ This Farm Family's Life - Great post! I have three girls and the future terrifies me!!!!! It is the unknown, so I try not to think about it,but just have trust in God!

lauren - you are in my head. thank you. what beautiful words of encouragement. just what i needed. almost 23, 20 as of yesterday and 16 and it’s a beautiful, terrifying roller coaster. that realization that you mentioned—that God loves them even more than YOU do moves me to tears often. how blessed we are with such a big God.

Mary - Wow!!! Im new to your blog love your crafts, your creativity and your honesty!! Its always nice to hear someone else say exactly what you are thinking!!! Every day I pray that I make it through the teenage years!!! Good luck to all Moms!!!

Ruth Baumgartner - Meg,
In a word thanks.
I needed to hear exactly what you said.
It’s been rough on the mother the last 3 weeks
around here…
Tears on a Monday morning… but the “good kind.’

susie - I was just talking about this with some friends who are moms of babies and toddlers. I never understood it either with 5 kids ages 10 and under, but now that the “baby” is 15 and my oldest is 26, I sure do! I love them with all my heart and miss those early years so much, but looking forward to what God will do in their lives. And, yes, being a parent of older teens is the hardest thing I’ve ever done!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - I would have seriously self medicated myself years ago if I didn’t have my Bible and the gift of prayer available to raise my children (22, 21 and 16). They are amazing but have had theur challenges. The best way to parent is to reflect Christ as much as possible and I know you do. You’re doing it right and it’s hard, but so worth the ride. God bless you xoxo

Angela - Your post is just what I needed to read right now. We are just entering this new stage with our oldest with three more to go. I appreciate your words and your honest. Thank you!!!!

Nanette - I completely agree with you! I can’t think of anything better to show your children…staying at home to raise a family while at the same time buiding a wonderful business that is your passion!

Carla - Oh wow, you’re very honest! I’m still in the baby stage (despite being the same age as you!) but one quote that always comes to mind when I start worrying is “worrying is using your imagination to picture an outcome you don’t want” which for some reason really resonated with me and really captured the waste that worrying is. I’m sure you’ve often thought of how your mom and dad must have worried for you and look how you turned out 🙂 Stay strong mama x

elisa - It gets better, I have a 25, 21, 14, 12, and 7 year old. I survived the two oldest ones, and yes it was hard. But one day they magically grow out of the “life revolves around me” stage, and become decent adults. Your teens will do just fine….because the have you for a mom.

Beth - Love this quote! Thanks, Jodie!

Jenny L - I am so thankful for this post. I feel like my job as a mom has gotten harder as my kids have gotten older (and I don’t even have teenagers yet!) I worry about every decision I make, wondering if it’s the right one. Thank you for letting me feel like I’m not alone in this crazy but wonderful world of parenting!

Linda - It was a week of being weary of the world. So true what you worte about parenting teens. There is even more silence about prodigals and those who cut themselves off from thier families in adulthood. I just heard about this unspoken heartache in our Sunday School last week. I cannot imagine and pray that never happens in our family. We are on our 2nd set of teens. The others are adults launched. Getting along with our children who are becoming adults in our space and homes is not easy.

Becky J - AMEN, AMEN and AMEN…my sweet babies are 20, 18 and 13…I am right there in the trenches with you….Jesus is BIG enough to get them through it all- and us, too!!! Blessings Miss Meg 🙂

Toni :0) - Loved this post as I have a teenager and tween myself so I can totally relate. It is hard when they are young but it is a different kind of hard when they get to be this age. I just try to keep the faith that they make good choices and choose their friends wisely and stay focused on their grades. God bless!

amanda d - uh huh, just want to tell those sweet stressed out mothers of toddlers (I have a little one, a tween and a teenager)- this is the easy part! teens are so hard. and I thought like you – love them and spend time w/ them and everything will be easy – that’s just not how it works. but I think if we do like you said and continue to pray for them and point them to Christ – God’ll honor that. i bet you’re a great mom 🙂

Kelly - So sweet and I totally get it. Our first five children line up closely with yours,from 9-18. Then 6 years after our Annie was born we had another. Then 3 yrs later, another….He is now 8 mos. So with 2 little ones I am back to a MOPS type group. I listen to those exhausted moms of preschoolers and try not to laugh. I would go back to a house full of just little ones again anytime. Big kids are hard. But I am trying to enjoy every stage that our kids are in and thank God for the even the trials. But believe me I cherish every sleepless night with these last two….holding them a little tighter than I did when I was a twenty year old mom. For now I know the years really do pass quickly. Blessings!

Connie - Our children are now 27 and 29 but I work with teenagers at school and at church so I still know what I’m talking about. Parenting is very hard work and the most important work you’ll ever do. In my opinion if it isn’t hard you’re not doing it right.

Leslie - Oh Meg! We are in that hard stage too! It’s new and awkward and we have never been here before! It is the hardest part of parenting we have ever experienced yet! It so totally happens before you know it!!! I worry about them every time they walk out the door especially if they are driving or riding with friends! I pray for their safety all the time! Letting them go is the hardest thing ever! I always thought it was so hard when they were little but boy was I wrong! Ha! That was the easy part! But at the same time it is so rewarding when you hear them say something that they believe in and are passionate about and when they do great things and make good decisions! My boys are 17,16 and 11.

Connie - I really enjoy your honesty in sharing. I have had those “middle of the night” moments as well. God Bless!

Bernice - Thank you for your honesty. My boys are still little but I dread the day they become teenagers. It’s a challenging time, I’m sure. I was a horrible teenager once. But God makes all things beautiful, in His time. Hope you got some.

Wendy - Meg, I can totally relate. I have 4 kiddos and used to think, “Wow, this no sleep no private time is the pits!”. Well, now they are 21, 19, 15 and 13. Times change and so do the issues with it. Now I’m filled with dread having drivers in the house. A daughter with late night classes in college. Boyfriend and girlfriend issues… the list goes on and on. Stay strong! You’re doing a fantastic job! 🙂

Kari - Yes, yes, yes, AMEN! I have three teenagers and one tween (12, 14, 16, 19). You are exactly right – parenting is harder with teenagers but in a different way. I stress and worry all the time and pray that they will make good choices. It’s always nice to connect with bloggers who are also parenting teens.

jen - I already wrote a comment…a mini essay actually! but really wanted to add…something I do on a daily basis is look and find something joyful…there is always something…something written your read and makes your heart sing, something visual, an animal, a hug…something…don’t allow for joyless days!

jen - I have 5 kids ages 28 through 3 years. I once heard someone say “big kids, big problems”, which I find exactly right.
We went through some rough years with a couple of the older kids, experiencing worry and upset that I never thought imaginable. I appreciate the ease of the little ones so much more! The things that gave me solace was that I knew that like all things, they will change and evolve, and praying. I prayed that God willing they would surface from the other end, both learning something…and alive. Sounds ultradramatic, but they went through some really really HARD things. I understand your post, and will keep your family in my prayers. Thanks for writing it!

KTG - I’m browsing comments and drinking tea randomly. I politely disagree that it would be difficult for Meg to pass on skills to be self supporting to her lovely daughters.
As a woman who has a career that could make me “independent of a man.” I see all the attributes of a highly valued worker. She’s creative, resourceful, and obviously is a team player. I think she’s doing very well for herself.
And PS.. she’s compassionate and would not make any fuss or critical response to your statement, from what I know of reading her blog.

Lynn - Nodding with my hand over my heart and tearing up – so thankful you posted this – middle of the night and all – it is perfect. I’ve found myself praying so much more this week (big sigh)… and in general, so much more as our oldest has entered the teenage years – your prayers are the perfect devotional. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Wish you were my neighbor this morning – I’d bring you some coffee.

Lorie - Tears coming out of the sides of my eyes as I read this. I’m in the midst of it with you. I have a 12 year old and a 13 year old. One boy, one girl. Hardest thing we’ve ever been through, and I feel most of the time like I’m flying by the seat of my pants! We’ll go sailing along perfectly for awhile, and then it feels like the someone came along and knocked the wind right out of me. I don’t know how people do this WITHOUT God. I really don’t. Thanks for being the example I see on the computer everyday. Thanks for being real.

sarah k - i don’t know about boys, but i would say with young teenage girls it is vital that they are brought up to know that they can be independent of a man and look after themselves, because times are different to 20 years ago.
I know that you have always been married and never really been independent of a man as such, so maybe its a difficult thing to pass on to them, but i think its really important. All young girls and women need to learn that they can support themselves financially and need to be taught how to go about it. They shouldn’t grow up expecting that they will just marry and a man will take care of them because it doesn’t happen for everyone.

jodie - I saw a super quote (on pintrest of course;) that goes along with all of this parent/kid talk. I think of it often when dealing with my kiddos:
“It’s not a parents responsibility to have godly children. It’s a parents responsibility to make sure their children have godly parents.”
If that is true, then it looks to me like you are meeting your responsibility Meg!!
(PS- I really enjoy your blog)

Tanya H - it HAS been a really hard week!! My oldest is a preteen and I quit watching the news a week ago when the girl in CA committed suicide. Its so stressful and I hate that my children have to leave my safe home and go out into a world like this…it HAS been a really hard week. Thanks for choosing to post what you’d written. We all need reminders that we’re all in the middle of this.

Debbie Hargadon - Yuuuppp– everything you said.
Be grateful you started so young – because when you have your last one at 41. . . your own resistance and energy is not what it once was. Wisdom with age provides some help. I think more before I speak and try to use few number of words, because after about 10 words they check out. 🙂 It does not end when they go to college either – but stays emotionally draining all through college. My oldest turned 22 last week and is a senior in college. I feel like I’m on a continual full court press. 🙂 I too give it over to GOD, continually, but make no bones about it….. this is a very hard job. Important, but very very hard. It is so good that you share the tough along with the good. I must admit though, I thought my instagram stopped working you were so quiet. Glad you husband recognized the need for a Friday night date! 🙂 A new week is nearly here! 🙂

Kathy - oh I so relate to this and I am just getting started with 2 girls that are 11 and 10 … yep, it’s hard, so much harder than those baby years though I had no idea way back then that it would be. prayer is my saving grace… hang in there, you are an awesome mama and woman of God! and I simply love your blog and everything about it!
Kathy k

Tami - My life seems super extra hard right now because I have 2 teenagers, 2 elementary kids, and a toddler still in diapers. So I am still doing the physical but also the oh so very hard mental. And I am 43. When I think about raising all these kids for the next 20 years, it really stresses me out. I will have kids finishing college and elementary school at the same time. It is crazy to think about it. But with all that being said, I would not trade it for anything in the world. My kids rock!

Michele - Lisa,
I can relate to your post entirely–except I have a teenage boy!

Michele - Well said, Meg! And that’s why I follow your blog religiously…you always keep it real! 🙂

elma - Amen!!! We have three teenagers right now and life is super super hard:(

Lisa - Thank you for this. I needed to hear this right now. We are just beginning the teen stage with our oldest and I cannot believe how much my heart literally hurts at times as I worry about the decisions she will make. And she’s a great kid. Just starting to push away and feel the tug of her friends and wanting to make her own decisions. Your words reminded me that I am worrying about her (and my other kids). I don’t think of myself as a major worrier but I guess I am. Their story isn’t over yet… You’ve said that before but I’m glad you said it again. Such a great reminder. Thank you for your honesty while protecting your kids. I really do love your blog.

Andrea - amen….I’m not there yet, but close…thanks for posting!

susan - so tearful here… beautifully written, equally terrifying….
we have had such a hard time lately and we are only at age 6….

Heather R. - Teens…word!

Michelle - amen. amen. amen.

Kristin S - Meg, this is beautiful. i say it every time you write a similar post and I get the same words when I do; preach it! Your honesty is so needed.
I don’t have kids. I long to have kids. My peers have kids in high school and are sending them to college. I’ve watched the transition with many of them from physical to emotional exhaustion. I pray for them. I listen to their kids (and tell those kids I will tell their parents if they say something to me I think is harmful to them). I love them.
Press on. it is worth it but hard to see the future in the midst of hormones.

Stephanie - Oh Meg. I get those worries. I have teenagers. I also have toddlers. The toddler stage is so physically exhausting, but not mentally so. The teenage years are fraught with the mental exhaustion and spiritual exhaustion that will keep you awake at night. When my kids were little, I never worried about them spiritually. But as they got older the realization hit me that they would not be sweet little things forever and that they could choose to not follow The Lord. That thought strikes terror into a Christian mom’s heart. Motherhood is emotionally exhausting no matter what age, but the teen years do have their own challenges.
All that to say I understand. I’ll be praying for you.

Michelle - One of your best!

Tiffany - I have to borrow a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, I come back to it whenever I question myself about my decisions. “Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyway” go with your gut Mama Duerksen. I hope that helps a pinch and if not there is always margaritas. Happy Friday!

Carrie - I am kidless (never meant to be, I always wanted to be like you. The husband and a gaggle of kids and being crafty and stuff. Life just didn’t go down that way.) but I just wanted to say I love your honesty and I love you!

Mandy - Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be a parent to a 16 year old girl at the young age of 28. Even though I am her step mom, she lives with us full time and my husband and I have full custody of her. She is an AMAZING 16 year old girl but no matter how amazing they are they come with drama, cell phones, social media, late nights out, a driver license, slamming doors, cussing, “why me’s” and a whole truckload of other emotions. Sometimes I feel like I can’t handle it, then I take a step back and say to myself that there is a reason I am here, there is a reason God chose me and my husband to meet so I cuold be her mom. I never realized it until a few months ago but, she needs me just as much as I need her.
It’s hard and I have a feeling it won’t get any easier but all it takes is little moments when you see them doing something way way out of their character (a good thing, like helping a kid who is getting made fun of) and when you see them not embarrased to be doing something they love to do and a small part of you thinks to yourself that you really are doing things right.
Oh and the random hugs aren’t so bad either 🙂

Amy - Thanks for your brutally honest post Meg. For every new season in my family I feel I tread water without really completing any laps. No one tells you about what to expect. What it could possibly be like. So thank you. For shedding some light. For being honest. For sharing. In the middle of the night.

jeri - The best advise I ever read about parenting (or life in general) is this…
“This is only a moment. It won’t last forever.”
I think it was Julianna Margulies who said it. But don’t quote me on that. But it’s a good quote to remember when life and teenagers get tough.

Heidi Jo the Artist - My oldest is 10 and I feel like I’ve already been there for awhile and am still there now. “Yeah right!!” I’m sure many will think, that read this comment. It is because I have let go more than what most do at such a young age, because we are whole life learners (a.k.a. radical unschoolers) and ARE around our children more than the average parent. It is hard for me at times because I was raised in the very opposite way, an authoritarian household and in school. It has however, brought me to a whole new level of trust with God. That I will never have complete control over these children, no matter what their age or how hard I try. And when I think like that, it can be tough because of the way I was raised, but it makes me realize their lives have already been written in God’s book of how things will/must go. Worrying will accomplish nothing but pain. Controlling them, and not trusting them=the same, more pain. Being alongside them in this journey, trusting them, instead of trying to control them…this isn’t a new idea, but one that most of our society views as bad parenting. But why?? Because most don’t do it. And “we” tend to get our parenting skills from the way we were raised. However, the more friends I make (especially in the unschooling realm) and the respect I see from teenagers living alongside their parents (instead of parents hovering over them) has been amazing. I want that for our family too. So I’ve learned/am still learning to let go and not control them. I have bad days too, we all do. Sure our kids will make mistakes too, but we ALL do make mistakes, and always will. That is part of our sinful nature and world. Truly trusting God is so hard, but so huge! Great post Meg!

Gina - You echo my thoughts exactly!! My oldest turns 18 tomorrow;yikes!! I also have teens, Tweens, and toddlers so I have every developmental milestone covered right now…except newborn. Every stage has its difficulties and it never gets easier.

Lisa B - YES!!!! Indeed

Laura - Meg, At Blog Sugar a few years ago I asked you about how to blog about our teenagers… my kids are 16, 14, and 10… and this morning I cried until my eyes hurt because, like you said, it’s just so mentally draining sometimes! So, for the most part, I just don’t blog about them at all. They don’t want their world posted on Instagram or Facebook; I get that. I would have been the same way. BUT, it’s sometimes just a good release to put out there in the world that I’m having a crappy day with parenting and receive encouragement from other moms. My kids need to get that.
I miss my sweet babies that loved and adored me. But I also enjoy the conversations that I get to have with my tween and teens. But, damn it! This is just so hard sometimes and I don’t feel like I was prepared at ALL.

Linda - Thank you. We are just starting this phase of life. We have a 12, almost 11, 9 year old boys with a almost 4 year old daughter. I’m a long time reader of your blog and have always loved your honesty. This tween thing is hard as they start to break free and make some of their own choices and I’m not sure how or when to let go. It so hard and I don’t think you can even understand till you get here. Your words really bring encouragement because it helps to see that other are going through the same thing. Thank you so much for sharing.

lindsey - I feel like God spoke to me through you. I was begging for an answer just wanting to know that God was hearing me and would send me a lifeline and I feel His love and care through your words. You are a beautiful child of God and I can’t thank you enough for your words.

Amy - Oh Meg, how I agree with you in ever word, crossed “t” and dotted “i”. Parenting a tee, a pre-teen, a 10 year old and a 7 year old all at the same time is great, but parenting the teen is HARD. How was I not prepared for that? This stage is by far streching me to the point where sometimes I feel like an elastic band on the brink of busting, only to be shot into the reality of the other 3 and, thankfully, only feeling (and maybe looking) like silly putty, but not a broken elastic.
I am on my knees for you, me and every other Mom of teens and pre-teens today because that is the only thing that will save us in these hard times. Jesus.
Take good care and keep up the great work!

Kellie - YES! I have friends with little kids and I think they look at us and think we are on easy street and I’m like no this is much harder. They are, as you said, old enough to get themselves in trouble really quick! I think it was awesome of you to share this side. Teenagers are hard and awesome all at the same time!

Tammia - I love this post. I love learning from people further along on this parenting journey than I am. I love your honesty and your ability to get your point across while still conveying your love and respect. I feel like I’m sort of a sweet spot right now with my 9-year-old. Old enough to not need constant care, young enough to still be an innocent kid. Keep sharing your heart–it’s why I love your blog.

meghan - i love this post. beautiful. thank you for sharing your heart.

Patti H. - It is SO hard some days. How hard parenting is in general is just not one of those things people talk about, at least in my experience. I have a ahem…spirited and STRONG-willed 14 year old daughter. She is the joy and the heartache of my life. This parenting gig is HARD. Hang in there.

Mj - Wow! I so appreciate your honesty about this subject. Although my 2 children are grown up and out of the house now, I can totally relate to where you are right now because I felt the same when mine where teenagers. Although they both turned out to be absolutely wonderful human beings, I remember the difficult times. At this point in my life, I would just say this to parents of teenagers: love them in the same way God love you. Be patient with them the same way God is with you. Discipline in the same way God does with you.
You cannot go wrong when you model what God continually does for you when raising little ones or teenagers.

Michelle Richmond - Stay strong Meg…..this too shall pass. Be thankful that you have your husband to lean on and help. We have two 15 year old girls and one soon to be 14 girl and a six year old girl too. I hope that all we have taught them and the values we instilled in them will get them through these tough years. Now is the time they have to think for themselves and draw from their memories of past conversations and experiences. Just keep talking and listening. They are absorbing and thinking about everything you say even though they don’t seem to be listening half the time. I have seven older sisters and they all made it through to the “other” side… they have worries about different things with their kids (grandchildren, jobs, houses, money worries). They tell me that the worry never ends, it’s just different kinds of worry. So try not to be in such a hurry to get through this stage of their life because a something different is just around the corner. And remember….you’re not alone….we are all going through this along with you. Stay strong…Michelle from Canada

Michelle - Thank you for posting this. Seriously. I desperately needed to hear that it is hard and I am not alone. My kids are 11, 6.5, 5, 2.5. And while we are pros at diapers, preschool, kindergarten, etc. Our oldest is growing up and hitting that tween phase hard. Daily I am reminded that I am not equipped to raise a teenager and daily I find myself on my knees, praying we all make it through the teen years with love, grace and mercy.

Michelle - I am at a very similar place in my life. Married at 18, and pregnant, sitting in premarriage counseling telling the pastor that we have got this 🙂 16 years later we have been on a long hard road. Growing up together, and changing all that time into two people that are different, and yet still loving each other and making it work. Lately I have been overwhelmed with the thought of why. Why were we one of the few that worked? It’s too much to wrap my brain around, but so thankful that it did.
Thank you for your words. It’s nice to know that I am not alone. This raising teens business is rough!

Jen - 🙁 Sending love and a hug from Ohio.

Colleen - Thank you Meg. This could have been written by me. Lost sleep and crazy emotions too.

Heather - I know what you mean about people looking at you as if you didn’t know what you were doing before you got married. I got pregnant at 21 to a guy I had only known for a short time. We decided to go for it-get married, have the baby, the whole shebang! Our friends dropped us like hot potatoes. Our families certainly raised their eyebrows, but decided to support us in the end. We have been married 17 years now and are still as committed and in love as ever. When my husband and I look back we cannot believe we did what we did. Everyone told us we were doomed…but we knew. We knew it was going to be okay. Even though we knew that, I still look back on that time and call myself crazy.
I have a blog and rarely talk about my teenage daughter. I don’t post pictures of her either. I am very aware of teen bullying and putting her (and my 12 year old son) out there on the blog seems wrong to me. I don’t want anything I say about her to effect her negatively. Besides, all teenagers’ experiences are so different. I don’t think what works for one teenager will necessarily work for another, so I don’t know how helpful blogging about teenagers would be. As parents we need to read our own kids and respond as lovingly and responsibly as we can to them. No one knows them like we do. Parents need to step up and not necessarily look to others to help and guide at this time. It is almost as painful to parent a teen as it is to be one, sometimes. It’s another journey of life that we just have to overcome.

Cara Yeh - Wow. Beautifully said. I’m at that physically exhausting stage, but love hearing and learning about what happens next. Yikes. You said some things I never thought of before. Thanks for blessing us with this blog! Perhaps my husband will fly me out to Kansas to craft with you some day. 🙂

Tracy - I hear you loud and clear, Meg! As a mom of 4 teens, I agree with all my heart. So so tough. So so exhausting. And I truly have great kids. My husband & I are so relieved we have God’s help in this HUGE job he has entrusted us with!

kristen - Oh Meg. Sending you a virtual hug. Your teenagers are lucky to have such a loving, fierce and protective mom. I respect you for being so wise and honoring their privacy. You and your family are in my prayers.

Melanie - I am going to share this with my friends with teenagers!! Oh I so get this. I, too, have been married 18.5 almost 19 years. I was young and pregnant when I got married, and I would not be surprised if our friends and family made bets on how long we’d make it… we’ve outlasted a lot of marriages I know!! I have a son who is 18 and graduating this year. I have three more right behind him. I know the hormones you’re talking about! And the empty refrigerator. And the waking in the middle of the night in a panic. God bless all you moms out there with teenagers!! And remember Philippians 4:8, right?! Thanks for sharing this side of parenting!

Inna - Thank you for posting this. I did wonder why bloggers don’t post about their teens. I understand the privacy reason, but there is so much advice how to parent babies and toddlers. And then…nothing.
My kids are still young, but I do get a glimpse of the teenage years from my oldest. And it already hurts and overwhelms me.

JulianneB - Oh, Meg thanks so much for being real. Years ago, when I led a mom’s group where we all had small children at the time I remember saying, “you know we can do everything right, just by the book (or books) and our children have free will. They will probably make choices that we can’t understand or believe. However they were God’s first and in that we have to trust.” That has helped me through some of the difficult times of parenting teens (teens that were pastor’s kids to boot)….knowing God is in control and not me. Still can’t wait to see what God will do in the lives of my 20 and 17 year old sons, and clinging to every precious moment with my 9 year old daughter.

Carrie - I’m right there with you, sister! My oldest, 19 y/o son, is a freshman in college and my youngest, 14 y/o daughter is coming to the end of her middle school years next month. Ugh. You are right. I am more exhausted now than when they were both clinging to me in the kitchen while I was trying to make dinner after a long day of work. The worry is unreal; the stakes are high; the pressure is unbelievable. I have had conversations and prayers with some of my more seasoned friends – their reminder is that this is a phase/stage, it doesn’t last forever, and that LOVE NEVER FAILS.
God bless you on this journey. And I hope it helps to know that you are not alone.

mary - as the mother of a “tween” boy, I thank you for your honesty. In my mind i know what is coming, but still i worry about so many things….wouldn’t it be great if more mom’s did blog/write about raising teens??? maybe it would hit the heart of some of those kids…wither way, thank you…

Kari - Thank you. I became a mom really young, a good 10 years ahead of my peers. So when I say things about how hard things are they look at me like I’m some inept mother while their rosey cheeked cherubs play around us (and here I am with all the “free time” in the world because my kids are in school and I can come alone to get coffee). You just hit the nail on the head about the silence surrounding parenting teenagers. I love my kids fiercly, but these years have been the hardest in my life. Your post helps me not feel so alone.

Molly - Great post…eye opening and definitely needed to be shared. I have littler ones at home 8, 5, and 8 months and spend my days teaching 6th and 7th graders. I get it. It is hard. Adolescence is a tough time…for all…children and parents. It is evident that you love and care for you children deeply. thank you so much for sharing!

Christie - OH, I love your blog. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! I am the mom of the boy (15) and the littles (3 & 2) and it’s hard. No matter how fiercely we love them, this is some tough work. I’m thankful (daily) that God humors me and has my back. Could NOT do this without him.
Thanks for the amazing read. Loved it!

Alice H - I have a 12 year old boy in 6th grade and we are really really struggling right now and it breaks my heart because he is so smart and has such a sweet spirit but he is just not making the right choices. And I get tired of people telling me to pick my battles or that things will get better. I know they will and I think school is important so I am picking this battle. Anyways, thanks for being so open and honest. I have 3 kids…Emilee 14, Zack 12, and Colton 3. So I feel like I am in the middle of a lot of fun times ahead!

Suzette - This is excellent and EXACTLY my experience…..and why I shut my blog down. Loved this.

Nanette - I just started a book called The Gift of An Ordinary Day…maybe you know it already? I had read her first one about slowing life down with little ones and it seemed she had so much figured out. In this book, she relates that she put off writing it because the teenage years have been so hard for her to navigate as well as her own mid-life. You obviously love your kids and I think that is what they will always remember and the most important to know. I don’t have teenagers yet…but I know I was an awful one myself!!!

Jen - It is wicked hard. I went through the hardest year of my life recently with my teenage daughter…things that I NEVER considered as part of my future as a mother of teens.

Lisa - FWIW, my experience with parenting teens hasn’t been as hard on me as parenting babies and toddlers. Maybe that’s because they can get to the bathroom when they need to throw up?! 😉 I have 3 kids in their twenties, 3 current teens and 4 up-and-coming 12-and-unders and I just find it easier to parent when I can really discuss challenges with them. Like I said, FWIW.

beth - for what it’s worth, i found it really valuable to read that this morning. without realizing i was feeling that way until now, i have been finding it almost eerie how there are teenagers in your life (we know from the pictures : ) but that they are so seldom mentioned in your blog, with the exception of maybe sports schedules and what not. i guess it felt like something of a hole in the fluidity of your blog. but how you expressed yourself today makes perfect sense. how there’s no room for honesty or sharing online about teenagers, with potentially ‘everyone’ reading, they themselves, their friends, etc. i can’t imagine any way to solve that, but what a shame. i don’t have teenagers myself yet (kids 8 & 9) but i bet if i did, it would be so helpful to have some venue somewhere to be able to share, collaborate ideas, vent, etc……about the ups and downs of parenting teens. i guess that’s where good old face to face time with your girlfriends who are in the same boat comes in to save the day…hope that came out right… I LOVE your blog!!!

Lisa - Oh, Meg! What a great post. The reason I read your blog is because you are a mom my age with older kids like I have, and this post says it all, teens and tweens and 8 year olds that think they’re teens are hard work. Period. I used to wish away those exhausting baby and toddler years because I was just so tired. I bought diapers for ten years in a row! The days were long and my time was not my own and I thought they would never grow up. I was so wrong and regret not appreciating them, then, so much, because raising older kids is the hardest work I’ve ever done. They are emotionally exhausting, all of them, even the “good” ones, because they all have their rough patches. I worry and worry and worry, but at the end of the day the best piece of advice I ever got was simple: Do Work. Because good, hard work produces good results. I’d give anything to turn back time to when my biggest worries for the day were that someone wouldn’t nap or when I thought my son would drink from a bottle forever or when I felt like Teletubbies or Clifford or The Berstein Bears were the only TV shows I would ever watch again! You are not alone, and thank you for your honesty, it encourages me!

ann - Hi Meg,
My oldest is 15 now…I’m just beginning the teenage years journey. Thanks for verbalizing what we all feel. I so feel like I’m on a road where suddenly the lights went out and I have to navigate my way, not sure of what is ahead! Your blog is so wonderful and you are such a talented, gifted writer (and photographer)! Hugs from flooded Chicagoland.

mandy houle - this post is amazing. so, SO amazing. i still have very little ones, but i will book mark this and read this again in a few years. i love the visual of throwing the wet, heavy blanket of worry at Jesus’ feet. such honest, beautiful words.

amanda - Thank you Meg! for being honest and open about how most of us mom’s feel. My twin boys are only 6, but we have challenges that i never imagined when i was so giddy and happily pregnant and feeling blessed to be having TWINS. it’s hard!it brings me to my knees ALL THE TIME. i’m so thankful for a forgiving God who gives us new mercies each day. parenting is NO JOKE. so easy to get stuck in a rut worrying about them. i needed to read this reminder today. to pray for them more. pray for us more. let God be the center.
bless you and your wonderful family, meg! praying for all our families this morning.

Amy M. - Thank you for this! It is so comforting to know that I am not alone in my thoughts and struggles. God is in control…not me. So hard to watch your kids walk a challenging path–whether they have chose it or been given it. It has been an emotionally draining two weeks in our house with some God-given, life-changing things…God is always sovereign over everything–it is the hope that provides that I cling to daily…sometimes hourly…between my son’s blood sugar checks, which are our very new-normal. Thanks for your comforting words. Big hugs to you. Thankful that at some point we will get to meet and chat. 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - God took what the enemy wanted to destroy you with and made you fierce this morning.
I love you.

Renae - I worry about worrying. Everything about being a mom is hard and I KNOW that it will get harder (they are almost 9 and almost 6). I pray every day for strength and wisdom. I pray for blog posts from people who are parenting kids who are older than mine. I pray for golden nuggets of advice from magazine articles and newspaper articles and moms who have been there. I can’t go there yet but know I will be deep in it some day. And don’t even get me started on the fact that we’re raising them so that they can just leave us. Ugh. Thanks Meg. God bless you for writing this. May we all find comfort and peace with Him who will guide us through our rocky times.

Jody - Thanks for the honesty – the truth always wins!!
I have four boys who are almost 6 & 8 and on bad days I wonder how to survive it NOW!! Not to mention the future. But I agree with what someone said, in the thick trenches of it all, I feel God the most. And that’s what parenting is all about. And I know we will grow together – even though it’s sooo hard sometimes!! and will be harder as they grow. Growing pains – right?! But in the end, it’s all so worth it. Sending you a hug (and giving myself one too & all those mamas out there!!)

Brooke Menoni - This was so well said. I have three kids under four and am expecting another. I often have these thoughts of will I still love them as much when they are teenagers. Your post gave me comfort in knowing that I won’t be alone, whatever I go through will be normal and, most importantly, to let go and let God–not try to figure it all out because He does love them more and their story is not over. Thanks for posting this!

stephany @ home is what you make it - Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I have young children, but when I think about what I must have put my parents through as a teenager I just keep praying that my kids won’t be like me.
I was a good kid, but I made some bad decisions…but I can’t change the past.
I can only be the best momma I can be and hope that I teach my children well…just like my parents did.

Jaime ♥ Raising up Rubies - you’re not alone girl!! sometimes i feel so desperate to parent better than i do…better than i know how, and all i can do is cling to Jesus even though sometimes that’s the last thing i think of doing… a few months ago i started praying (out loud by my self in the hallway) ( at the bus while i watch it drive away in the mornings when i usually feel the deepest regret for goofing up AGAIN… “Father fill in the gaps, please just fill in the gaps i’ve created with my broken parenting” … sometimes when i listen quietly i can hear “already done.” thanks for doing motherhood with us Meg ♥ happy weekend

MC - You said it sister. You articulated my life exactly. Thank you for the encouragement. My mother in law raised twelve mostly successful children. I use the work successful because I couldn’t think of a better one. They are all adults and doing their thing pretty well. She insists this phase too will pass. Try to enjoy it, and when it gets tough. Pray and pray some more. So I will pray for all the moms here talking with you. I just ask that they also pray for all of us.
God Bless.

Julianne - I’m still in the young kid phase but coming up on the teens (ages 1, 5, 9, 11) so I can’t wrap my mind around it yet, just like you couldn’t back then in the church office marital counseling. I know what you mean about being haunted about old thoughts or times in your life. I consider them attacks to tear me down. My daughter & I were just discussing these. Mine are so embarassing that I make audible utterances when they pop in my head! I hate that they pop into my mind like that, seemingly out of nowhere.

Katey - Older teens here. I am with you. Last year I spoke with an wise man, a wise preacher man and he told me “you have to let them fail, your job is to keep them out of the ditches but you have to let them fail”. Thats been tough. I keep telling myself it’s two steps forward one step back. We are going to make it. Thank goodness we have God to put our wet blanket on. Thank you for sharing your trust in Him. Awesome post!!

Lisa Ottosson - I love that you write this! I have a 14 year old and as I had never had a baby before her, I haven´t been a parent to a teenager before! It doesn´t get talked about nearly as much as it should!

Debby Graber - Meg, we had delightful teen years and also awful ones too. Gut-wrenching. This is when I became a prayer warrior. The helplessness and often the depression drew me to His feet and each day I had to cling to God’s hand. A book I absolutely love is “Prayers for Prodigals” by James Bank. Even if ones’ child isn’t a prodigal, these Scripture prayers are so good!!! I’ll be lifting you up in prayer! Now that they are grown, it is one of my favorite seasons of life! Being a grandma is the BEST thing!! And just think how many little ones you will have one day!!

Andrea - Amen.

Janelle - Well that is perfect timing Meg…I just kept reading your post and saying “yes, yes, yes!” Soooooo hard. And I just so want to do everything RIGHT! The past week I just kept saying to myself…”remember when they were 5 and were so sweet…what happened!” But after MUCH reading I am STARTING to be ok with who they are now…Love, love, love them but they are a different person from the time they were in kindergarten…and that’s ok.
Ok…I have to go reread your post again.

Jennifer - Wow. This seems to be personalized just for me. We found out that our daughter had a secret boyfriend – secret! He’s 17, she’s 15. (17!) We are trying to figure this out, trying to put a lid on it without having it turn into a Romeo & Juliet thing. It is so hard to raise teens, and all the baby and kid mammas have such a different road, their work is more physically exhausting, but this is mental toughness. Leaning on God, each other, and my husband, we will eventually all get through these years. Keep it up! - This post couldn’t have come at a better time. My son left yesterday for his new home 15 hrs away. Ive been so emotional that and caught up in my feelings that I needed the reminder that He created him, He loves him and He wants what’s best for him! Thank you for that reminder……it gave mr peace.

Mary - Yes it’s HARD….. my kids are 31, 27, 21, 19. Hard stuff passed through with them. DUI & jail, relationships, questioning their beliefs, jobs, college, future. My husband & I both at times would say “well, we failed at parenthood”. But no, we did our best. We gave them parents who love each other, a stable happy home. I really hate when people look at a teen or young adult and blame the parents for their choices. I still say that the times I felt God the deepest were the really hard times with my kids. They grow up, make their choices and sometimes those choices aren’t what we would want for them. But we cling to the good things in them. They all love us and each other and that is a huge blessing.

Carol S. - One more thing…when you know you’re loosing sleep… An occasional Tylenol PM for a solid night sleep. Feel free to judge against sleep aids but they work when I need sleep!

Lucie - Wonderful post, well said and so true. I love my kids (13, 16, 17 y)but it’s so exhausting and I can’t stop worrying for them.

Deb - You are right, it is HARD. We could have had a conversation at 2:30 am…. I have two teens, 17 and 14, and I consistently wake up with worry for them. My friends with older children tell me “don’t worry, they come back to you” but it is sure HARD. We do the best that we know how, are present in their lives and are trying to raise them to be “good men.” I do know that I am not alone, God is walking this path with me…… that helps most days….. but sometimes the worry just crashes right in. Thanks for sharing your worries… no explanations needed when talking about teen raising! 🙂 Keep doing what your doing, but also take care of yourself…… a healthy momma is a better equipped momma! ;-0

Victoria - Love this post and your honesty about how hard it is! Thank you for sharing.

Heather Simnitt - Hi Lindsey – I just wanted to tell you that while I believer everything Meg said is true, I also want to let you know that it does get easier. Then it gets harder. Right now my husband and I consider ourselves in the sweet spot of parenting. We have 9 and 11 year old girls (18 months apart). Those early days were physically taxing, but now we have a reprieve. They are old enough to do for themselves, but not old enough to get into any really big issues. I believe we are in a resting period before the big push of the teenage years. I do, however, also believe there are choices you can make during this stage that can limit the issues you deal with later. This is not the time to just sit back and enjoy your kids (although we really do – and I homeschool so I’m not speaking idly here, I really enjoy being with my girls). This is the time to be intentional and lay the groundwork, he foundation. This is the time to really get to know their developing hearts and minds. It would be easy, at this stage, for us to sit back and ignore our kids. But we’re not. We’re making a full investment in them. Giving them space when needed, but finding they seek us most of the time to share their hearts anyway. I love that. And by the way – get some sleep between your kids ages of like 4 and 9 because for us, the late evening *chats* began with our oldest around 10 yrs. I’m with her so much of the time, and yet she still chose bedtime to share the best of her heart with me! 🙂

Sabrina - I have two kids under the age of two with plans for a third. I am 36 years old. I’m scared now.
No really, thanks for the perspective. I’m a stay at home mom and there are days when I really wish my kiddos were older because in my mind, it will be so much easier. I’m working on cherishing these days and not wishing them away.

Carol S. - Oops should have said teenage blog I like is

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I have 5 kiddos. . 15, 13, 12, 8, and 6. I have found that I cannot blog about my teenagers as much as I used to. . because their friends google their names and all kind of links and pics pop up. Which was fine when they were younger, but now a tad embarrassing to them. And they are like, mom we are the only ones who have tons of links popping up when you google our name.
And I agree. . tons harder now than when they were little. . emotionally exhausting. . and then when they talk it is always at night. I tell you as soon as 9:30pm hits, I think a switch goes on and their mouth opens. (I would go to bed at 8:30 if I could). But at least they are talking to me.
I so enjoy your blog. Thanks for the time and energy you give it.

Carol S. - Thanks for sharing Meg. There are few mom of teenager blogs for the reasons you explain. I’ve got a freshman in college and an 8th grader. There have been really hard times and tough lessons but I have to say as I’ve resigned myself to the letting go stage, it is working. At least this morning! High school years bring tons of joy and equal measures of challenge. I miss my college son lots but he is now on his way and I’m getting the next one ready to fly. I agree with the reader about apologizing to kids when you’ve gone off the deep end or made a bad call, but also standing firm on other decisions. The little kiddie stage knocked me out and was harder in my opinion but we are all wired different. I just read this morning God often wants us to Stand Still when we are driven to action or answers. We are all in this together. Thanks for sharing your heart. One teenage blog I love is She’s really tough on technology with kids and she talks about the good bad and ugly (not for the faint hearted lol)

amyjupin - I love you.
I feel you.
I get each and every word.
Get some rest.
Continue to try your best…it’s really all we can do.
I have to remind myself daily that I need to do everything with LOVE.
It helps.
Even when I’m wiping pee off the floor.
Even when I’m trying to explain terrorism.
Even when I’m sick of helping with the ridiculous school project.
Do it all with love.
I’m cheering you on, meg.

Gale - You did exactly the right thing by publishing when your heart told you to – good for you. Good for you for being honest and open – it IS super hard!!! I thought I would never survive the “littles” stage and then I had 3 teenagers – by myself – WOW!! If I ever needed proof that God was with me, it was then – in the trenches WITHOUT cell phones and WiFi and easily available internet everywhere and my kids being online all the time – it was HARD then and it’s still hard with mine being 22, 25 and 28 – and added a super stepkid along the way. There is no easy way to parent kids but we are never alone and He takes care of them when we just cannot say the right thing or be cool enough or care enough or pray enough – He is always there. My older three are flying now – and I am so proud of what they have become. We still have our struggles but we are grounded in LOVE – nothing takes that away even when they’re screaming how much they hate you… hang on! Jesus never gets tired – I am so so thankful for that!!
You’re doing great 🙂 Not perfect – but that’s okay. Ten years from now (which seems like FOREVER but isn’t!), you will be so grateful you just kept on loving them and being honest. Hugs!!

Katie - I have a toddler and have already realized it gets harder and harder as a parent. While the physical challenges ease up, the mental and emotional challenges of parenthood abound. Thank you for sharing and for your transparency. And Thanks for the encouragement to continue to seek guidance from our Heavenly Father.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I am having a difficult time with a nine yer old who is on the cusp of being a teenager and just cannot understand why her mom has to be just a little bit tougher than the other moms. One day she will understand why.

Adrienne s - Perfectly put!

Jend - Amen, Meg!

lisa currie-gurney - I have been wondering and waiting for the post when you would share your heart, knowing with a teenager or two in your home, it was coming.
I’ve been there, and still am.
I’ve prayed for you.
You are not alone Meg. I have learned SO very much about myself, my peeps, and our God through this time in our families lives.
~His faithfulness never ends, in my life, and theirs…even when I mess up over and over and over.
~The foundation, nurturing, loving, investment of time and our hearts, we as moms, parents, have put in their “growing up” years, will be what they go back too.
~I can ALWAYS know,that I know, that I know, that Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in them, is with them even when I’m not… ministering to their hearts in ways that I can’t anymore.
~They will find their way back to Him. Because He will never leave them, or forsake them.
~I will hold onto Him, my husband…take a deep breath when it gets stressful and just let God deal with all that is heavy on my mothers heart. He sees it all, and can do so much more than I… and that, is permanent.
My mum has been gone for 20 years, and I missed her so much when our peeps were going through all of this. Meg, call yours. Cry, talk, listen. I know she will reassure you of all you already know to be true. 🙂
Hugs From My Heart

AnnMarie - My thoughts and my situation exactly Lindsey! How could it possibly get harder? and then I think back to my teenage years and I realize, “oh yea, it’s going to get way harder”!

Lori H - You said it all so well, Meg. The young years are harder physically and that fades as it gets hard mentally. I tell people that if you aren’t a praying person you might want to take it up 🙂 My kids were so easy when they were little, and as teenagers they didn’t get into serious trouble. But it is STILL really hard. I am sure how I would get through it if I didn’t pray.. ALOT! (ha – the early driving years alone would drive you to your knees and that isn’t bad behavior!)

Gretchen - this brought tears to my eyes. I am in the same place. I was blessed with one boy, and each day I hope I am leading him down the right path. Parenting is tough, faith is a huge part of parenting. It is nice to know we are in great company.

a - Favorite post ever.

Tessa - Amen and amen! I currently have a 13 yr. old, {almost} 12 yr. old, and a 10 month old baby … long story, but all involves the same husband! LOL! My point is that I am in both stages of the game and although I dream of long continuous nights of sleep … I can say there is just something very raw and risky about parenting a teenager. I think you suddenly feel your time ticking away with them and you are unsure of how much to let them go and make mistakes so that they can learn … and how much you should protect them from this crazy world. I question how much heavy stuff I should expose them to in the safety of our own home and at the same time, not burdening them too early with the ways of the world. It is hard.

Andrea - AS a parent of an 18 year old HS senior, a 16 year old freshman and an 8 year old second grader (girl, girl, boy)… I HEAR YOU.
This is so hard because the stakes are SO HIGH.
Bless your heart, Meg. I get it. Your faith is a beautiful thing.

Tiffany - I so sorry Meg. I just want to give you a big virtual hug right now. Ready? SQUEEEZE!! I’m not there yet with my kids, so I’m not much help. I think you’ve all got it thought out… Especially that last part. So glad you have your faith to help pull you through this. Always remember that you are an amazing mom! Your kids love you, and things will get better.

Kimberly Dial - Bless your heart Meg.I know what you’re talking about. My sons are now 33 & 30, fine men with families, good jobs, making their momma proud. Their teens years were VERY HARD. It’ll be okay. They’ll be okay. Some times it just doesn’t feel like it. Giving it to Jesus is the best, the only, way to handle it. Bravo! - I’m one of those baby Mommas laying awake nursing and reading.
Thanks for sharing yourself!
I’m feeling the change in our family with a 10.5 year old (and 4 more on down to this 2 week old miracle!)
I can’t even imagine what’s in store.
I do know my older kids take much more of my energy than my littles.
Keep praying!
God will be faithful to you.
You’re an amazing Mom and woman.
I can’t wait till our paths cross again someday :).
Lots of love, Stacie

Lindsey S - Meg…I’ll be honest hearing that just put a chill down my spine because I am in the trenches of night terrors/ waking 47 times a night/ being completely exhausted and just wanting to pull my hair out because I am frustrated and exhausted as I parent two boys under two! I make myself feel better by saying “it has GOT to get easier!!”
This is when we need God most of all- I ask God to show me the way…guide me! Use me to do your will, Lord! I pray to be open to him 100% and help me to raise my boys well and to have a heart full of love for Christ! I will be praying for you and Craig…that you let God lead you during this hard and confusion time in everyone’s life!! Thank you for this post- too often we as moms only see the flowery, cutesy stuff and think we just don’t compare. I needed to see tthis!!

Lindsey S - Very well said Terrie:)
I agree- Our God is a God of Grace- look at the Grace he pours out on us! We are good enough…we are worthy:):)
I will be praying for you and Meg as I am up at 4:00 with my one-year-old:)

Lu - Thank you. I really appreciated your honesty in this post. I also loved your sewing post with your girls. Thank you for (respectfully) sharing with your readers the good and the tough and the fun and the not so fun stuff of your life.

Terrie G - Love this post! I could have written it a few years ago…maybe even last week. Not sure it gets easier…sorry for that. I do have a few words of encouragement for you though. 1) Don’t just ask God to forgive you, ask your kids for forgiveness when you make a mistake. It goes a long way. 2) I had a conversation with my daughter about 1 1/2 years ago when she was pregnant with our grandson…she and her husband had been talking about discipline and what their plan would be. I apologized (in tears) for the mistakes I had made…for the things that still weighed heavy on my mind. She remembered none of them…NONE! 3) Don’t be so hard on yourself…(yeah this isn’t like the pot calling the kettle black or anything! See #2…I’m still hard on myself) But, I’m telling you, we don’t have to be. I have wasted so many moments being hard on myself, thinking I’m a failure…but I’m not. My kids are awesome…not perfect, but awesome! Our God is a God of grace and mercy….and sometimes our kids give us a glimpse of that too! He hand-picked us to be a family…to parent these children. He makes no mistakes…we belong together as a family for a reason. He loves us all…more than we know. Our job is to Love our kids through thick and thin…I know you love yours as much as I do mine. So, hugs to you Dear Meg…and any other mama out there that is struggling. Let’s lean on each other, give each other encouragement…and love our kids and give them to God. Sorry for the long comment…I’m up in the middle of the night too…sigh…..

Denise - It’s okay to pull a Maguire. It was raw and honest; nothing wrong with that. Continually throwing it down at God’s feet is the right move; He can take it.

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kind of a big deal.

last saturday scott had basketball games all day. 
but like all of those tournaments, the games are hours apart.
inbetween the games we ended up at the craft house to relax.
i was working on my pillow front….

which was just me layering things on this piece of quilt and sewing it down.
the girls thought it was so fun and i said "you can make one"
apparently i say no too often because they both GASPED and shouted "WE CAN??!!"

(parent fail)

i said "yes… you can.  and i will show you how to sew it all together"

"REALLY?!!! You will teach us how to SEW!??  TODAY?!!" 

(hanging my head)

"Yes. I will teach you today."

i gave them each a piece of fabric as their base and told them to use the scraps and layer on anything they wanted to and it will be fun and pretty and you will love it.
and they did.
Sean was not interested and that is no surprise.
he did sit in the room with us and drew pictures of dead cartoon characters… maybe feeling a little out numbered by the women around him so he was making up for it by overcompensating in the boy department?

annie chose to make a pillow like we made at the first craft weekend.  (i miss you first CW girls!!)

talby came up with her own pattern of stripes. 



and suddenly…. they were sewing.

it was pretty amazing.

i don't think i was scared to teach them before… just didn't know if i had the patience.
but after a year of craft weekends and seeing that i can help women take away that fear of the machine,
teaching my girls was practically easy.
the craft weekend women are always awesome so there was no reason to feel anxious about my own girls.



that is her face of concentration.  :)





beautiful pillows to be proud of for sure!!
they chose the fabrics from scraps and did all the sewing.
i helped annie cut circles. she cut the first 8 & then was the fabric chooser while i became the fabric cutter

i was so proud of my crafty girls.



by the way…

i use two of each these machines for craft weekend and what i use myself for all my sewing.


                 SINGER Heavy Duty Model 4411                                        SINGER Heavy Duty Model 4423 


i just ordered them straight from Amazon and it's free shipping!
as far as i can tell after having used them for two years now, the only difference is the Model 4423has an automatic threader and the Model 4411 does not.

i am not working for Singer.
i just like their machines. 

they are very basic, non-threatening, easy to use machines.

maybe you should ask for one for mother's day???

go big or go home baby. 

Shannon - I sew(so…LOL)want to learn how. That’s a great idea a Mother’s Day gift request it is! I love their pillows!

Whitney - They turned out great- wonderful job girls! I remember when my grandmother taught me to sew basic things on her very old Singer (the old black iron kind in the built in box.) Then my mom took it a step further and has shown me how to do more advanced things on her new machine- they will always remember that day! Now I want to go make a pillow 🙂

megan - Thank you for this. My 5.5 year old id begging for sewing lessons & I keep denying her. I am now motivated to say yes next time she asks!

Linda - Thanks for the sewing machine suggestions. My daughter goes over to her elder sister’s for her quilting project. Between their 2 schedules it is hard ot get them together to finish. Now I know just what is for her next gift!

Leslie - My daughter would LOVE Talby’s pillow case design. Maybe she could do some for your shop – hint * hint * 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - That’s awesome they are learning to sew. That is a day they will remember always I’m sure. 🙂 Pretty, pretty, pillows! I just started teaching my daughter, almost age 6, how to hand sew a couple of weeks ago. She loves it! Now, I need to get a sewing machine hooked up and get going on that myself, so I can teach my daughter too. I love handmade stuff!!!

Andrea - Both pillows are lovely. They get their creativity honestly!
That is what I want to do – set up all my machines at a table and teach all three of mine to sew at once. (My boy is only 8 and so still wants to be like his big sisters. Well, to a point!) I have my mom’s old machine that I learned to sew on, my grandma’s old machine that I just got tuned up, and my machine. All Singers!

Kate - Those first craft weekend girls were cute, huh?! 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Your girlies are adorable and looked like they loved sewing and you are an amazing mom!

Juli - I’m curious…when they go back to the Craft House, do they miss living there?

Lori Austin - They did great! Those pillows are super cute.
I really need to learn how to sew. Thanks for the info
on what machines you use. I need to bookmark that for the hubby. 😉

Katie - I was so surprised when I saw on IG that your girls had never sewed! You are so awesome about crafting with them, that I was certain they certainly would have sewed before. Their pillows are gorgeous! My 5 year old loves to see when I am working on a project. I will have to let her try one of these, something real she can make from all my scraps, usually she is just coming up with her own designs–I think she would live something real she could do in her own. Happy sewing!!

Rachel B. - Very cool!

Tiffany - Good for your girls, and good for you! I’m sure this lit a fire under them to learn even more! I’m so glad you showed pics here. After seeing you doing that on ig I was curious to see the finished products. So cute!

Kimberlee Jost - So proud of those girlies!
And you, too, brave mama.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I need to get my sewing machine out of the closet. It is time to sew.

Nicole - I miss my sewing machine SO much. I messed up the bobbin and have not been able to get it working since. A lady at my local craft store said the tensions could be messed up, but I have no idea how to remedy that. Le sigh 🙁

Laura H - What a fun day!! I am determined to learn how to sew! I love pretty things like this…so MAGICAL. Love what you’re doin!

Gina - So fun!! I was the same as you, not sure if I had the patience to teach my girls sewing but I did and it was fun!! Nothing is more fun than crafting alongside my kids and having them take an interest in something I love!! I sew with a Singer too! 🙂 - Is there anything sweeter than a child concentrating? My sons both do this tongue thing and it’s so sweet! Thank you for sharing!

Terrie G - I was so excited for you & them when I saw that pic roll across my instagram feed! What a wonderful new world you have opened for them! Just one more way for them to create! You rocked it MOM!!

Jenny B. - That’s awesome! I would proudly display both of those pillows on my couch! Great job, girls!! I got a sewing machine for Christmas two years ago… it’s still in the box. I am so intimidated by that thing (even though came with an instructional DVD). Sigh… fear is so crippling!

Nina Newswanger - Hello-just had to stop by and say I LOVE YOUR BLOG, I am not particularly creative or crafty, but I happened upon your blog a couple weeks ago and have been hooked-like digging through your archives!:) I love your large family, your honesty and your christian spirit. I have 4 boys under 7 so it’s interesting to me to see what life looks life as kids get older, I hope we can do as great as job as you and your husband, (my husband is Craig too:) doing things as a family. Thanks for being real and honest-love it!!! Also, I’ve been making tons of your recipe’s-you have SO many great ones!

JulianneB - An automatic threader…be still heart…. the most frustrating part of sewing to me is threading the machine

Wendy - My girls love to sew and I love to watch them create without all of the perfectionism that resides in my head. They are always so proud too of their creations. My big problem is letting them use my fabric. I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to my stash of pretty fabrics. Why do I do that? Love this and thanks for the tips on the machines!

Jen - Love the pictures of Annie and Talby sewing. I wish I knew how to sew at times because my two girls have shown an interest. In fact my 5-year-old has been designing clothes on paper recently and wants her grandmas to help her. Good on ya, Meg!

Lindsey - Love this! I’ll bet it won’t be the last time your daughters will want to sew! You win the cool mom award for the day!

Claire - Love it! What a joy to see the little ones on the machines! Those look like great sewing machines too. I just got my first machine and love it. It is the Brother XL2610 and it is awesome!

angela - That’s a REALLY big deal! Good for YOU and good for your GIRLS!!!!!! Dead animals…lol!

beth - very cool!
: )

Lisa - Love <3

Melissa - Love those pillows! Great job girls. I remember my grandma teaching me how to sew years ago – priceless

jill - I love in life when doing one thing (hosting craft weekend) by accident makes something else much easier to do (teaching your girls to sew). This is why I think trying new things/taking risks is so important, you never know how it will impact your life in unexpected ways.
Feeling philosophical today…

Dawn Gross - That’s pretty cool! They did a great job!
I sewed that awesome ruffle apron at craft weekend and now I’m scared to try something else. Just do it, right?

Allison - My 5 (almost 6) year old wants to learn how to sew. I’m afraid of her sewing her fingers on my machine so we might start out with hand-stitching this year. I taught myself how to sew so being able to teach my girls how to do one of my favorite hobbies is exciting for me.

Lynette - So fun! I am determined to teach my girls to sew this summer. This looks like a great beginner project. I think we will start with pillows too. Your girls did a great job, their pillows are great.

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