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super shopper

that’s what i told annie she was on our way home today.
i had some shopping to do and had to drag her along.


why do i love this store with such a passion?
and why do i feel i need every coffee cup that starbucks makes?


i restrained myself.
since i am the only one that drinks coffee in my house
and i have 20 mugs already…

we did find good clearance items!
from underwear to candle holders to sheet sets.
our first stop was the toy isle for annie.
she was really wanting Rocket (from the little einsteins show).
she found it right away.
smart mommy brought her little people along in my purse to play with.
she was completely content the entire day!
$7 of happiness.


this is her in hancock’s fabrics…
and she did this in t.j.maxx in the linen section.
do your kids try to crawl and lay on the floor in stores…
or is it just my weird kids?
she played in the dressing room when we were side-tracked by cute dresses.
she met the dressing room clerk.
she played in the quilt shop.
she really was a super shopper.
5 stores in 4 hours.
and no complaining….thank you rocket.


so what do you think….
pretty bright huh?
well i am loving it and can’t wait to get sewing.
poor jenny comes tomorrow and her bedroom is in a sad state.
one coat of primer all the way around.
that’s it.
craig has been working so hard but man it takes forever in this old house!
so much wood work…and old electrical…and ugly ceiling fans to replace.
i think jenny will still love me.
she will just have to come back again to see it finished.

Jimaie - my almost 2 yr old is OBSESSED with little einsteins, his rocket also goes EVERYWHERE with us…i think him and annie would get along juuuust fine 😉

Emily - Oh my goodness, you know how I love Target too! 🙂 You were so good to pack some toys, I need to plan ahead like that!!
Can’t wait to see what you create with the fun fabric!

traci - i just love how you take your camera everywhere and snap photos. i need to do that, but i feel kind of goofy cuz i don’t have an adorable little toddler to take pictures of. so i live through you. thanks.

sara - I LOVE that fabric!

Sarah Keith - Super Target is a disease! Ha! It’s said when I say to my 4 year old…We have to run errands today…and she says…are we going to Super Target!! Fun fabrics. Can’s wait to see what your going to make. Just found your blog! Will be back to visit!!!!

Kate of all Trades - I’ve got a huge Little Einsteins fan on my hands too! My little boy thinks June is his girlfriend. Rocket and his gang have completed the mission of entertaining/distracting my guy time and again. Thanks Rocket indeed!

melissa @ the inspired room - Can’t wait to see the room, old houses take for ever to do, I totally understand…
Happy day,

Jennifer P. - I feel very deprived–no Super Target around here.
Annie was a real trooper–and no, you’re not alone. The whole world is like a fun-land to my kids–they can play anywhere!
Anticipating seeing what becomes of your gorgeous new fabric.
And don’t get down on yourself for not making your remodeling deadline–sounds like you’re far enough now that it can’t be ignored ;)! I bet your friend will think it’s all very shabby chic!

Sara - the fabric would make a swell art teacher dress…hmmmm…make one for Lorel. ha ha. Someday I want to sew.

Crystal - Not sure how I stumbled into your blog but thought I would tell you that I have that same need to adopt every starbucks mug that I come across as well. I am also the only one that drinks coffee and I won’t even say how many mugs I already own. Starbucks and Apple own me. 🙂 Beautiful blog! 🙂

gabrielle - Thanks Meg….now if any of these “so Called” scrap stores around here have it I’ll be in business…I ask for so little, really I do.

meg duerksen - gabielle….is IS heidi swapp.
lee ann….i keep mine folded up so that i can see it. but i also have two big boxes of the older things that i keep under the counter. my mom has it all in stacks on a bookshelf kind of thing? fabric is so pretty. it’s art in itself.
being in a fabric store is a happy place for the eyes.
liz… the fabric is Sole by free spirit. i was giddy when i got see many of the designer fabrics i’d seen online IN a store. the green dot is bed sheets from target.

gabrielle - meg..I couldn’t find your I am making my DD banner for softball and they are the The Black Diamondz and who makes the circle diamond you have in your that Swapp?

Lee Ann - Oooh, oooh, oooh! I CAN’T WAIT to see what you do with that fabric!
I thought of you this morning as I was cleaning out fabric scraps. I’m wondering if there’s a good way to store them besides wadded up in huge bins. I really need a way to see them better. Suggestions?

carissa - she is a rocket… looks like a real trooper! with my girls I never know what I might get! little angel in the cart or temper tatrum princess on the ground!
big coffee lover over here too! starbucks mugs make me drool!
LOVE the fabric… great find!

Liz - I love the fabric, very Sis Boom.

gabrielle - She will still love you….I can’t wait to see her room when it is done. I have to restrain myself with buying the coffee cups. Did you see the new brown and turqoise ones? The look like pottery…so pretty..wanted to buy the blue one but I just bought 4 turqoise ones at Vonz and 2 coffee and Latte ones. I I understand your pain. You take the mose engaging colorful pictures….

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